You will be able to learn to get more out of you Internet experience; you just have to sign up at dhalind@gmail.com. And let me know that you are interested and we’ll give you the information on the webinar.
If you chose to be in the webinar you will be able to ask questions as we cover how to use the Internet. If you are an advance Internet user this might not be for you, but we might cover some things that you don’t know which could be of a help to you.
The webinar is geared for those that have limited Internet experience. You don’t have to be afraid that you will get blown away, because we are going to give you the information in bite sizes pieces and let you practice what you learn between webinars.
The whole webinar is to give you knowledge on the Internet and have fun doing it. That doesn’t sound so tough.
Learning and having fun is always the best way to gain knowledge. It also helps you to retain what you have learned.
Go to dhalind@gmail.com and let me know you’re interested in the webinar on basic Internet skill and I’ll get back to you with instructions on how to sign up.
Here is to you improving your Internet Experience.
Happiness with Wealth to you
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem
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