Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Have faith in your self

You have to believe in yourself, but it will take you to spend time on your personal development. Just wishing for faith in your self is not enough. So how do you go about having faith in yourself? First you take time every day to be better than you were the day before. Second find something you have a real passion for and go do it. Third set a goal to be the best at whatever your passion is.

Three steps and you will gain so much faith in yourself and you know what else happens, other start to have faith in you also. Now you have others supporting you in your passion and that means your success for you passion will grow far beyond what you could have done alone.

One thing you have to do is live life by the order of the universe and if you think there are short cuts to growing you passion there aren’t. One thing you have to do is live in the present, because that is where things get done. Living in the past is waste of time. For example, if something happened to you in the past and you still let it bother you, your’ wasting precious time. What happened, happened, so forget about it and move on with your life.

Having a vision for the future is OK, but you have to remember that the present is where you do the things to make the future a reality. You have met people that are always talking about what they are going to do, but for some reason they never get there. One more time, things get done in the present, so do it now.

Having faith in yourself is not to be cocky, but being grounded in the knowledge that you are working every day to improve your passion. If you work on the three steps, one always improving, two have passion for something, and three being the best at it. If you do these thing you can’t help but have faith in yourself.

Happiness with Wealth to you


And: http://www.lindemannletters.com

Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem

Monday, September 28, 2009

There is more than just thank you

Thank you are two very important words, but you can get more bang for your buck just by adding something to the thank you and that goes for complement also. Here is what I mean instead of just saying thank you , ad on to it something like this. Thank you for your kindness to Fido, my dog, while we were out of town.

Just by adding why you were thankful makes the person know you real care. The same goes for any complement.

Instead so just saying” Micki you look great tonight”, which is nice in itself, but I add that the new outfit she is wearing brings out the best in her. Or I could say “You really found the combination of colors that make you glow like an angel. By adding just a little more you confirm to the person that you have really noticed them in a positive and special way.

You can do the same thing with people you work with. Say thank you and then ad why you are thankful. Example I could just tell Tom thank you which again is OK, but what if I added because of his help it looks like we are going to land the big account.

When you add a why to the thank you or complement it leaves a lasting impression on the person you said it too. Do you think the next time you need their support that they are not going to help you. You bet they will because they are part of your team and you care about them. You have also shown them how important they are to you.

To just review when you say thank you add to it why you are thank you. When giving a complement add the little something extra that really makes the person feel special.

Happiness with Wealth to you


And: http://www.lindemannletters.com

Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem

Friday, September 25, 2009

Keep them laughing

Why not keep them laughing, because it is so good for us. I have a friend who is always laughing and has a very infectious smile. Sometimes you can mistake his laughter as that he is not the brightest in the world. If you thought that you would be very wrong.

Let’s call this guy John and let’s further say he came from a family of five and he being the youngest and the only boy. He told me that he didn’t mind being the youngest but the hand me down cloths were tough. He finally grew so much he got his own cloths.

He went to college and got a degree in some kind of chemistry. He was also a very good football player. He even made it into the NFL where he became an all pro at his position. Knowing football won’t last forever he started a business while he was still playing and it became successful.

Now he sounds like a very bright guy to me, but he never stopped laughing or smiling. He sold his business and became a VP for the new owners. Then he and his wife decided that they want to start a business that was unique in the industry.

John and his wife have accomplished their goal of having a business that is not only successful but unique. They are not stopping but moving ahead to make the business more unique and raise the success level to even a higher.

I told John that I loved his smile and laughter and with a laugh and big smile he said” I always want to under promise and over deliver”. It would be great if everyone worked on that principal?

Happiness with Wealth to you


And: http://www.lindemannletters.com

Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem

Thursday, September 24, 2009

To me learning new things is exciting

Do you get enthused when you learn new things? I sure hope you do because it so healthy for you. It gets you brain working with a new challenges and this is good. Today there so much to learn and we can’t stop learning, because the knowledge base is growing exponentially.

When I hear people say I don’t want anything to do with computes I just shutter. You can get more information on the computer in a few minutes than you can get in reading the paper for hours.

When was the last time you send someone a letter? Maybe if you’re in business you have to put some things in writing, but for everyday things you either call them, tech message them or E-mail them. Guess what there very little, if any, time lags. You and your friends know instantly what is going on.

You know it seem like people want to know things as soon as they happen and that’s OK. In many cases they can. It is not like fifty years ago you went to the show to see the weekly news on the WEEK In REVIEW.

It is not just computer stuff the gets me excited. It is learning on how to be a better writer and speaker. I have found that those that write and speak are so generous with their time to help you.

Have you ever heard of Master Mind Groups? They are a great place to grow as a person. A Master Mind Group is a group of people of like mind that want to be more than they are today. The power of the group helps you and the other member to grow and be more successful at achieving their goals.

You guessed it being in a group like that keep you in a constant learning mode, which help you stay younger and more alive. Keep learning and enjoy life to the fullest.

Happiness with Wealth to you


And: http://www.lindemannletters.com

Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dealing with the talker

What I mean about talker is that they are the communicators. Their need is to be verbal and their stress reliever is socializing. They expect a lot from others. They also will run away from a conflict. So this gives you some ideas about the communicator.

Now how is best to deal with the communicator. Listen to them and don’t legislate or muffle them. Give them time to relax and socialize before getting down to business. Talk about people and their goals, but don’t drive to facts, figures and alternatives.

Ask for their opinions, don’t be impersonal or task oriented. Don’t leave decision up in the air; focus on people and action items. This real important, provide ideas for implementing action or they will waste a lot of yours and their time dreaming.

Things that get the talker energized, one is people interaction, two is social recognition and third is a situation requiring enthusiasm. Things that turn them off are, one is social rejection, two is skepticism and third is negativity.

When they talk they talk fast and their body is animated. Their actions are fast and gesturing.

To help them want to hear from you use these words. Fun, I fell, exciting, you look great, recognition, put you in the spotlight, tons of people and picture this. If you these words you will get their attention.

Talkers are creative problem solver, very enthusiastic and humorous. They also have high contactability and everyone is their friend.

To sum on dealing with the talker-communicator let them talk and give them time to socialize before getting down to business. They can be a great help to you in achieving your goals if you deal with them in the way we have described.

Happiness with Wealth to you


And: http://www.lindemannletters.com

Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Here is a Webinar for you or a friend. It’s getting close.

You will be able to learn to get more out of you Internet experience; you just have to sign up at dhalind@gmail.com. And let me know that you are interested and we’ll give you the information on the webinar.

If you chose to be in the webinar you will be able to ask questions as we cover how to use the Internet. If you are an advance Internet user this might not be for you, but we might cover some things that you don’t know which could be of a help to you.
The webinar is geared for those that have limited Internet experience. You don’t have to be afraid that you will get blown away, because we are going to give you the information in bite sizes pieces and let you practice what you learn between webinars.

The whole webinar is to give you knowledge on the Internet and have fun doing it. That doesn’t sound so tough.

Learning and having fun is always the best way to gain knowledge. It also helps you to retain what you have learned.

Go to dhalind@gmail.com and let me know you’re interested in the webinar on basic Internet skill and I’ll get back to you with instructions on how to sign up.

Here is to you improving your Internet Experience.

Happiness with Wealth to you


And: http://www.lindemannletters.com

Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem

Monday, September 21, 2009

How to deal with a High powered person

We all know people that are really dominate. You might even be one, so listen and learn something.

Dominate people are the same as high powered folks, so let’s get started. Dominate people have a high value for time, thus they don’t want their time wasted on things that are not important to them. Example on how to work with a dominate person. Don’t give them some lengthy plan. Give them a couple of bullet points and hand them the backup material. By doing this they know you value heir time. Now if they want to chitchat that’s Ok but don’t you do it.

If you have someone that works for you that is very dominate give them a challenge. These people thrive on challenges, but do poorly on everyday routine work. in fact the tougher the assignment the better.

Dominate people love the opportunity to lead so when you give them the opportunity to be a leader, they’ll appreciate the experience.

You will find these high powered people need a lot of physical activity because this is how they release stress.

If you use the thing I have mentioned you can work with dominate people and get results and have fun. But, if you don’t respect their time and want to spend time visiting and they don’t want to, you will find yourself with a person that is not very happy.

When you learn to deal with others your life and theirs becomes so much more enjoyable. I will be covering other type of people and how to work with them so both parties feel good about the relationship and be happy about it.

Happiness with Wealth to you


And: http://www.lindemannletters.com

Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Happiness is a state of mind

Happiness is a state of mind so it doesn’t come from outside stimulus, like having more than you neighbors or winning the lotto. Happiness comes from the inside.

Some of the keys to happiness are having a good life, a life with sustained relationships, challenging work and a connection to community. By living this kind of life you will improve your happiness state of mind.

To put this in another way if you want to be happy you can. To build you personal happiness there are thing you can do that will strengthen you state of happiness and I address them in my book”Happiness it Eight Steps”. You don’t have to go out and buy the book because I am going to go over the steps for you.

Smile it does so much for you and others. Say thank you, it is a two word poem. Give and your life will be so much richer. Eat healthily. It is now known that we are what we eat, so if it eats right we will be healthier. Keep our body in shape. Recently I read that even at very old ages if you keep your body in shape you will be much healthier for it.

We are not done yet. By being around people that love you and you love them your life will one of happiness. Then make others happy because by making them happy you will make you happy.

Here is a big one, laugh. Laughing does so much for us it releases stress and tension. It helps your inter organs function and many other things. So just laugh a lot, you will be happier for it.

Happy people may or may not be the healthiest, but for sure they are enjoying life more than the unhappy one
The present this where we need to anchor our selves, here is how to look at it. The past is the past and there is nothing we can do about, so doesn’t put energy into re-hashing the past. The future is coming and we can plan for it and step goals, but you have to deal with the present to get to the future
You might want to re-read the above, because if you ably what I have just told you, you will be building you personal state of happiness.

Happiness with Wealth to you


And: http://www.lindemannletters.com

Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem

Friday, September 18, 2009

Are old friend is still great

We got to Orlando and met up with Tom. Except for gray hair he looked the same. Tom has a warm smile and infectious laugh. So when he turned the corner in the hotel lobby and spotted Micki and me. His smile was in full bloom and he started laughing as soon as he spotted us.

There were hugs and kisses for Micki and a hug for me and then we all started talking at the same time. Micki had to get out the pictures of our grand children and Tom took great pains to look them over.

It was if those thirty years of not seeing Tom just melted away. We have never met Sally his wife but before are meeting with Tom was over we both thought we had know her forever.

When we get to California we have to stay with Sally and Tom because Tom said we have to and we will. It should be a very enjoyable time when we stay with them. Tom said on a clear day they can see Catalina Island and the big Hollywood sign in LA.

We all wanted to know about our mutual friends. In thirty years a lot of our friends have moved, remarried ,and are doing things you would have never thought they would do. Then it got down to Micki, Tom and me. Tom most of thought we were part of an investigation team, because we just kept asking questions. Then Tom had his boat load of his questions. This went on all through dinner. After dinner we agreed to meet for breakfast.

We had a two hour breakfast filled with more questions and stories. Tom brought up stories I had forgotten and my stories had been forgotten by him until I recanted them.

If you ever get the opportunity meet up with a dear old friend do, you life will be richer for it.

Happiness with Wealth to you


And: http://www.lindemannletters.com

Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Renewing old friendships

Today Micki and I drove to Orlando from Ft. Lauderdale to meet up with n old friend. He has lived in Newport Beach, California for many years. Thus we haven’t seen much of him for many years.

He was a fraternity brother of mine and after we were out of school we spent many happy times with him. After all these years we really look forward to having a GREAT evening with Tom.

To give some background Tom pledge the semester be for me and was one of my pledge trainers. During our college years we did a lot of things I really don’t want to share with you. The good thing is we didn’t get in any major trouble and both Tom and I managed to graduate.

After graduation we created so many good memories. Tom seemed to move about every year and all of us, fraternity brother, help him move. I must say he and the other brothers helped me lay sod and put in my above the ground swimming pool.

Here is a story that will slay you. Four couples decided to go the Frankenmuth, Michigan for the October Fest. My brother in-law had an eight-passenger station wagon. I asked Bill and he said it was OK. What I didn’t ask him was the one he as going go let me use had A/C. It didn’t.

Mid October in Michigan can be very hot. It is called Indian summer. Yes and it was super hot. All I can say it was an extremely hot on the drive home, with all four couples in the car and that was with every window open it was not pleasant. There are so many stories like that I should write a book about all the fun we had.

Tom as not arrived in Orlando at this time, but we can’t wait to get caught up on what has happened to all of us.

I’ll give you an update on our evening tonight and our morning get together, on our next visit
Here is to having great friends.

Happiness with Wealth to you


And: http://www.lindemannletters.com

Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Learning keeps you young

Yesterday I had a wonderful learning experience. Rand Gage one of the top people in using social networking spoke to the Florida Speakers Association. He started by saying he wasn’t sure if he had many answers but he was sure he had a lot of questions.

He said the days of interruption marketing is fading. Controlling the brand is also becoming the thing of the past. Here is an example of how you can’t control the brand as in the past. Suppose I get some very bad service from a company that is the tops in its field. All organization make mistake and the mistake just happened to me. In past day I would complain and tell my friends and neighbor about the bad service I got. That’s bad enough but now I can get on twitter and facebook and tell my story.

I maybe reaching thousand or even million people about how poorly I was treated by this company. Now the smart companies are monitoring the internet to see if they are getting bad things said about them. If they see a bad remark about them, someone forom the company will contact the person making the bad remarks and see how they can rectify the problem.

That would make me feel good, won’t it you.

Randy says blogging is another important part of the new way to reach your family and friends... It is also a place for you do build trust with others. If you give people a lot of good content they will come back time and again to your blog, because they trust you. They will find you web site and because they have learned so much form your blog will want to buy things from you.

Learning does keep us young because it keeps our mind moving and gives us more reason to learn more. Keep learning it’s good for you.

Happiness with Wealth to you


And: http://www.lindemannletters.com

Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem

Friday, September 11, 2009

How to have a happy day

Start with a smile. While you’re brushing your teeth give yourself a big heartfelt smile. Then when you see the first person of the day smile and continue this all day.

Thank you plays a big in making you have a happy day. This so easy, but it works. Say thank you to everyone that does something for you. Holds the door for you or picks something up for you that you dropped. You know you just can’t wear the word thank you out.

Give people things. It doesn’t have to be an expensive gift, it could just be a note the lets the person know that you appreciate their help. Or it could be a pray for them. Giving is something that builds so much inter strength and by giving you receive, not because you gave but because it the way the universe works. Giving and receiving is like breathing in and breathing out.

Eating healthy helps you to stay happy. Instead of the triple cheese burger with fries maybe you should have some grilled fish, salad with olive oil and vinegar. As my Doctor say it is the quantity of food we eat that puts the weight on. For me it about twenty one hundred calories a day and I‘ll keep my weight steady.

Keeping your body in shape is important to being happy. When your body feel good you feel good, so keep you self active. You don’t have to marathons to be in shape; just a thirty minute walk or working in the yard is a big step toward keeping your body in shape. It is this basic be active.

There is more but I’ll cover those things that help you have a happy day later, but let’s recap things you can do to have a happy day. Smile, say thank you a lot and mean it, be a giving person, eat healthy and stay in shape. Just by doing these things you will be on your way to many happy days.

Happiness with Wealth to you


And: http://www.lindemannletters.com

Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Get started

Why wait? When you wait you losing time and falling behind, so get started. You might tell me that you have to do more research or study the situation further. Ok, but you can still get started.

Here are some tips to help those that find it hard to get started. Whatever you want to do is have a passion for it. Then have a burning desire which will help you create a vision on what you want to accomplish.

You now have the seeds for getting started, but there is more. From your vision and desire set a goal and from the goal creates objects that help get you to your goal. Now here is where the real action comes in. Create action plans to achieve your objectives. In the action plans you will have dates for completion.

Do you get the picture? With the action plans you have reasons to start because you have to get things done to achieve you goal.

There is one very important thing you have to do and that is put it in writing and review your progress frequently.

That doesn’t sound so hard does it? Will it isn’t, so get started.

Happiness with Wealth to you


And: http://www.lindemannletters.com

Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Is the glass half full or half empty?

We have all heard this old expression. Those that see the glass as half full are generally optimist and those that see the glass as half empty are generally pessimists.

Being an optimist is one who sees a problem as an opportunity and pessimist see a problem as an obstacle that can’t be overcome. So who do you think are the successful people in this world? You guessed it , optimists.

Being an optimist doesn’t mean you do stupid things, but rather attack problems with an attitude of knowing there is a way to overcome the obstacles. You have heard the term the power of positive thinking. Whatever it is being positive helps keep people focused on the issue at hand and work to overcome it.

If all you can say is it won’t work or why try when we can’t win anyway, then guess what you’ll be right. Henry Ford said “if you think you can't then you won't, but if you think you can you will”. There is so much truth in that statement.

If more people would see things as half full, we would have a much better world, because we would be solving problems rather than complaining about them.

My challenge to everyone is be an optimist and make things happen, your live will be so much more rewarding for it.

Happiness with Wealth to you


And: http://www.lindemannletters.com

Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Laughter is good for you and others

Laughter is so go for us, we should make sure we get are daily laughs. Micki my wife and best friend is a great laugher. When she’s on the phone you hear so much laughter. When she is around friends you hear her laughing. You can imagine people love to be around Micki.

Having friends that care about you and want to be around you is not only pleasant, but very healthy. With friends that care it really reduce stress in your live. Stress is major health issue and the less bad stress you have the better your life.

We all have stress. At work you have stress, but you keep turning the stress over so it doesn’t keep piling up, because you keep finishing projects. Bad stress is stress that keeps piling up and you don’t know how to deal with it.

Bad stress can come from anywhere, in the family, social, and or work. It is stress that you can’t deal with, so it keeps weighing on you like two tons of bricks on you back. When things get to weighty it is time to get around people that you like and have some good laughs.

Laughing can help you deal with bad stress because it helps you see the better side of life. Laughing also helps you see that what you thought was a real tough problem is not as bad as you first perceived.

Laughing is healthy because it strengthens you insides. Now I am not going to get into all the muscles and organs it helps. If you want to know about those things read the chapter on laughter .The book title is book “Happiness in Eight Steps” and you can get it on Amazon.com, enough of the commercial and back to laughter.

Laughing helps your brain functions, but I can’t guarantee it will make you an Einstein. Hers is laughing with you.

Happiness with Wealth to you


And: http://www.lindemannletters.com

Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem

Monday, September 7, 2009

Here is a Webinar for you or a friend.

You will be able to learn to get more out of you Internet experience; you just have to sign up at dhalind@gmail.com. And let me know that you are interested and we’ll give you the information on the webinar.

If you chose to be in the webinar you will be able to ask questions as we cover how to use the Internet. If you are an advance Internet user this might not be for you, but we might cover some things that you don’t know which could be of a help to you.

The webinar is geared for those that have limited Internet experience. You don’t have to afraid that you will get blown away, because we are going to give you the information in bite sizes pieces and let you practice what you learn between webinars.

The whole webinar is to give you knowledge on the Internet and have fun doing it. That doesn’t sound so tough.

Learning and having fun is always the best way to gain knowledge. It also helps you to retain what you have learned.

Go to dhalind@gmail.com and let me know you’re interested in the webinar on basic Internet skill and I’ll get back to you with instructions on how to sign up.
Here is to you improving your Internet Experience.

Happiness with Wealth to you


And: http://www.lindemannletters.com

Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem

Friday, September 4, 2009

I am impressed

Watching our young folks gives me some very positive feelings about the future. They are so willing to learn and seem to learn at such a rapid rate. Why would I say that? It is because I have been able to see with my own eyes how good our children are.

Micki and I have five grand children, four girls and one boy. The oldest is sixteen and the youngest is three and half. You have to put in the half year. The things they are doing, to me are incredible. They play musical instruments, are in math clubs and play sports. Not to mention their computer skills.

They all love school and are good students. I love talking to kids of all ages and they are just about like our grand kids. It seem to me we are putting our future in good hands.

Take time to listen to these young folks and I think we all would learn that they are much more aware of what’s going on around them than we give them credit for. You just have to see how they handle themselves. The ones I have seen have pose and charter.

Now for a short story of Jake. He’ll be ten in November and has been active in an out of school. This year he wanted to play tackle football, so that is his extra active now. We love to go to the games. What I have seen is not only a bunch of happy boys playing football, but a very dedicated coaching staff. They are will organized and treat the boys with respect.

The team has responded to these dedicated coaches by playing some very sound football. Jakes team will be playing their fourth game Saturday. Yes Micki and I will be there along with all the parents of both teams. It is like going to a carnival, a good time is had by all.

What I have been seeing has impressed me, the boys, the coaches and the fans (Parents). We do live in a wonderful country.

Happiness with Wealth to you


And: http://www.lindemannletters.com

Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What an event.

Yesterday was wonderful. A Child Is Missing got a $5,000 gift from Vivian Villarreal. You might say who is she, will here is some info about her. She is a world champion pool player. Because of a very bad experience she had with a little girl she became the care taker for, she has an extreme passion for helping children.

I won’t till you the whole story, but it enough to say the little girl was lost to her for years and all that time she tried everything to find her. She finally did and great personal expense to her. She now has a foundation to help children and when she learned of A Child Is Missing she just had to support it and she said she will continue to so in the future.

The presentation was made at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Greater Ft. Lauderdale. I have never been there so I didn’t know what to expect. Boy did I get a surprise. The Hard Rock Hotel and Casino has a 5,300 seat auditorium. A world class restaurant and then you get into the casino. It is as big as any I have seen in Los Vegas. It doesn’t stop there. When you go outside there is more restaurants and entertainment places both inside and outside. All I can say I was star struck.

Vivian is a professional pool player and is sponsored by the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino so she travel throughout the world playing in pool tournaments and spreading the world about the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino

When we have friends visiting it will be a must place to take them to The Hard Rock Hotel and Casino.

To learn more about A Child Is Missing go to: www.achildismissing.org

Happiness with Wealth to you


And: http://www.lindemannletters.com

Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem