Thankful I am. Last week I had eye surgery to close a hole in the back of my retina. I have no ideas if I didn’t do anything if it would have gotten worst, but I wasn’t taking any chances and had the operation to repair it.
Fifteen years ago they couldn’t have fixed the hole in my retina, but today with the advances in modern medicine I should be just fine.
Here is a story that Tom, friend of mine in Virginia, had with a detached retina over thirty years ago. I had to keep my face down for four days. Tom was hung upside down for four hours a day for two day. I may case it looks like I am OK, in Tom’s case his procedure didn’t work and the Doctor had to go back to the drawing board. Just so you know Tom finally got his retina attached.
It looks like my eye sight will be back to normal. And this is something to be thankful for.
Last night Micki and I found out from Skip, our son, that Jake, our only grandson, has asthma. But he’s going to be just fine. Skip really liked the Doctor and felt Jake was getting the best of care. Not only because the Doctor new his business, but because he could relate to Jake and Skip. This gave Skip a great deal of confidence in the Doctor.
When I was a kid we had a family Doctor, who we all loved, but he was from the old school. He never went over with me what was my problem, but told me to take these pills X time a day and call in so many days later and report how things were doing. I guess that was the way it was then, but not know. We-I want to know more of why I am taking whatever the Doctor is prescribing as what will it do for me.
I must say the Doctors I go today really take the time to inform me on what they are doing. This gives me great comfort knowing that they care.
Talking about caring I have to tell you that Micki gave the best after the operation care any one could get. Eye drops four times a day and made sure I was looking down so the gas bubble would continue to push the retina against the rear of the eye ball. She also won’t let me lift anything or use the computer and that was because I would have had to raze my head up and that was no, no.
To put icing and the cake Todd, our Dallas son, called several time to make sure I was alright and Skip, our home town son, was at the hospital before and after the surgery as well as calling a couple time a day to make sure Micki and I were doing fine.
Yes we had many calls from friend in town and around the country call to give their support... With all this support I can’t help but feel thankful.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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