We have to know everything as soon as it happens. This started back in the 60’s when TV started broadcasting live from around the world. You didn’t have to wait to read about in the paper the next day you saw it live as it happening.
The mobile phone has changed the way we live. It is difficult to find anyone that doesn’t’ have a mobile phone. Kids have them and think nothing of it and as far as they are concerned mobile phone are as American as apple pie.
All of this is great to a point and I have a story to tell you about mobile phone abusive. Look at people driving, you find a good many of them on the phone. My personal question what are all these people talking about? Believe it or not I can actually remember when people sent letters to one another, now forget that you just call them.
I think in California it is against the law to drive and be on your mobile phone. Personally I think that’s GREAT. If talking on the phone isn’t bad enough some people actually tech’s will driving. That has to be worse than the guy I use to follow in the morning reading his paper will driving.
Mobile phones are great, but do you like to sit near someone in a restaurant that is on a mobile phone? When the person is talking is sounds like they are yelling so the person can hear them, which means you can hear the whole conversation. Maybe I don’t want to know what kind of a deal this person is putting together or when he or she is going to meet someone. To me it down right irritating and more and more restaurants are put people on notice not to use their mobile phones in their restaurant. That works for me.
Now the mobile phone is your walk around computer and makes so many things easier and that is the spirited we should have. Use it as a tool not a controller of you live
Happy mobile phoning to you or whatever it is called today
Happiness with Wealth to you
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