You probably do, but you might have some things you have missed. Trying to see your self is like standing on a ball, you can see the other side. So how do we see our whole self? One way is to listen to people that know you and they will can give you insight. The key is to listen and don’t make judgments.
When using this method you have to keep a very open mind. When you hear things that they say you need improvement in make a mental not of it or better yet write it down. You don’t have to act on the area that you might need improvement in quickly, but rather let your subconscious work on it for you. The subconscious is very powerful tool; if you let it work for you many good things can happen.
People will also tell you what you do best and in most cases you already know what your’ good at, but maybe you’ll learn something you didn’t know.
Why spend the time to re a firm your weakness and strengths? For starters if you want to continue to grow as a person, self evaluation hast to be part of your everyday life. If you want to keep growing better as a person every day it a process that will help you.
Listening to other and acting on what you hear is one way on knowing who you are, but there are others. A second one is to take a behavior assessment. What you learn from this assessment is if about the four basic behavior styles. They are Domains, Influencer, Steadiness, and Compliant.
You can observe these styles in others if you are trained in behavior analysis or you can take the assessment.
I am going give you a FREE behavior assessment, all you have to do is E-mail me at: And tell me you want the assessments. The assessment takes only ten minutes and you will get some very interesting thing about yourself. Plus you will get the assessment back as soon as you finish it.
Act on this FREE offer TODAY. Go to
Happiness with Wealth to you
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