When you reading, you should particularly pay attention to health related articles. A study conducted by the University of Alabama found a link between how easily women can access and understand health information and higher rates of happiness they have. I would think the same applies to men as well.
Those with the least medical know how were more than twice as likely to be unhappy, even if they didn’t have any health problems.
Do some reading on health, you’ll be happier for it.
A study at Britain’s Cardiff University found that participants who ate a high-fiber breakfast cereal said they felt more upbeat, less stressed and more ready to face the day. Those in the study that had a high-protein breakfast just didn’t feel as good as that eating high-fiber cereal.
Fiber helps steady blood sugar, so you don’t have the high and low that can give the blues. Andrew smith PhD says it flushes away chemical and other pollutants that build up in your system.
Not bad. Now just pour some skin milk and but on some blue berries on top and you're ready for a healthy and happy day.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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