"Why are you inviting my wife onto your site? She doesn't know you”. This is from some one Face book.com
This is what I told the sender. Would you have handles it this way, I did. Give me your thoughts if you would have handled it different. Email me your thoughts to: dhalind@gmial.com.
Thank you in advance.
Here is what I told the sender.
“That is a good question. I’ll start with many of the things I am involved with. All of which need the support of many, starting with Broward College Foundation, one of its major role it to help students with scholarship, so they can help make this a better society.
I am also in working with A Child IS Missing, which is a national organization that assists law enforcement to find missing people, which in most cases are children. “Happiness in Eight Steps” is a books I authored which can help people grow in happiness, so the more that read the book and apply the principles s the better off we will all be. All of these activities need more that just myself and this is why it is important to have many friends.
It take people to make these things happen so we can have a better world, thus the more friends I have that can help, the more the world will be a better place. Also, I am more that willing to help my friends achieve their goals. Thank you for the question.
David H. Lindemann
Author, speaker, consultant and coach”
That is what I said. What would you have told this person? E-mail me at dhalind@gmai.com.
Happiness with Wealth to you
http://www.happineswithwealth.com www.happineswithwealth.com
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem
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