Here is a sure –fire way to fuel an unhappy mood, move at a snail’s pace. This was found out by a joint study by Princeton-Harvard. Those that were part of the study agreed to whisk through many varied activities. When they did this they experience a surge of euphoria and creativity. Those that just went through the activity a regular speed felt less positive and sluggish.
Why this happens, it is because when you move at a face pace your brain get electrical stimulates that activate an area in the brain responsible for alertness, which has a beneficial effect on mood and energy.
Go out and do some fast pace activity and be happier.
In a study by the Swedish found that those that had no close friends at work were much more likely to take leavers for stress-related illness that those that had fellow workers they could confide in. Not to be out done by the Swedish the University of Michigan showed that gossiping with others helped the persons will-being and slashes anxiety levels. Having some chitchat at work is a very effective, all –natural alterative to antidepressant medication.
I’ll get a little technical, sharing with others boosts your body production of two feel-good brain chemicals, serotonin and dopamine, which is good for you.
Go out and pass on a little gossip it’s good for you.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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