It was a pleasant surprise. Todd our son who lives in Dallas and his girl friend unexpectedly flew in for some RR and RR. We had just visited them and the granddaughters two week earlier, but it was just nice to have them in our house. They didn’t bring the girls because they were visiting the other grandparents.
Having Todd and Kim would have been a surprise enough, but no there is more. They got to our house about 1:30 AM. We got up to welcome them and then we all sat in the living room and started to get caught up.
Then out of the blue Todd told us that he and Kim, now Kim is above girlfriend she is his wife to be, were going to get married next June. You can imagine how excited we were.
Now came all the questions from Micki. Todd Said “Mom we are going to plan this ourselves so relax”. So that ended Mick’s plans on organizing the wedding.
So we let them tell us what they were going to do. Will it is going to be in the Florida Keys. It is not going to a big wedding, just close friend. I think Micki and I qualify as close friends so we are planning on attending their wedding.
We did not see much of them while they were at our house because they were down in the Keys looking for place for the wedding. They think they found the place. Micki and I have stayed at the Islander and know it is wonderful.
There are two pools near the beach and first class open bar and restaurant along side of the pool. It also has areas of beach on the ocean. They haven’t sign the papers to have it there, but their getting close.
Even though we are not in the planning of the wedding we are sure caught in the excitement. June 2010 can’t come soon enough for Micki and I, but will have to wait just like we had to wait for Santa Clause every year when we were kids.
You can bet if Kim and Todd ask for any help planning the wedding, you can be sure Micki will be the first to lend a hand.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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