I’ll start this out with the portable phone. Forty some years ago you could get a portable phone, it is was in a brief case and cost thousands of dollars. I have no ideas what it cost to use, but I am sure it was really expensive.
That was forty years ago but just twenty years ago you could get a cell phone that could fit in a brief case, and have room for other things to. It looked like a white brick and was about the same size, and they were still very expensive.
Motorola was the leader in white brick portable phone sales and at the time the innovators. Then came the first flip cell phone, it was still too large to fit in your pocket, but it was sure a lot smaller the white brick.
Here is a story about the Motorola flip phone. I was at a conference in Bergamo, Italy. Kip a good friend and I were sitting in a beautiful mid-evil town square at a little restraint. The square was slowly filling up with men and every one of them was carrying a Motorola flip phone. From time to time one of them would put the phone to their ear and talk. They would go to one group to another and after each encounter they would get on their phone. Then Kip and I noticed one guy who had the old white brick phone and no one was talking with him.
This was going on for some time and then a very handsome young man walk toward the group. He was dressed like a movie star. His camel hair over coat was trapped over his shoulders and he had tan pair of very expensive shoes on.
One by one someone form one other group would approach him and talk for a few minutes and then leave and go back to his group talk to his group and then get on his phone. Someone from each group did the same thing until all the group had talked to very impressive man, all but except the man with the white brick phone.
In fact the man with the white brick phone talked to no one. After all the talking the whole group, including the man with the white brick phone left the square and went into the restaurant Kip and I were sitting in front of.
What Kip and found out later these men owned soccer clubs and were drafting and trading players. We never did find out who the very handsome young man was but we believe he most have been the local don. Well is sounds good
What we also think we saw was phone snobbery. If you didn’t have a Motorola flip phone you where not included in the group.
More on mobile phones later.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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