Speaking at Rotary Clubs and other such organization is something I really like to do. The reason is these people really care about their community. They support so many young people with scholarships.
One group I spoke at gives wheel chairs to people in counties that have millions people in need. They sent me picture of one young man who got the wheel chair and you could see the most wonderful smile you could have ever seen.
When your’ around people like this it makes you want to do more for those that can’t help themselves. Most of these volunteers have full time jobs, but they still find time to help others.
My brother in law was such a person. He managed a Ford Motor plant, which was more than a full time job, but he still had time to be a Boy Scout leader and that is when he didn’t have his on boys. Later he helped meals on wheels, plus helps endless hour at his church.
My question to you is what the world would be like if we didn’t have people that were so willing to give of their time to help others. I just am not going to think about that.
Back to the good stuff, and that is people that really care. I wish we could calculate how much people that care and get involved save us in tax dollars.
Here I go again looking at the financial end of things. What I need to look at all the good things that are done and suffering that has been reduced because of a these volunteers that care.
How about this, we proclaim the week of August first “People really care week”. Everyone that you know that is a “really care person” give them a BIG thank you. They really deserve it. But you know why they really do what they do is to help others.
Happiness with Wealth to you
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem
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