Great days are everyday for me. Oh some days are greater than others, but I have great days for a reason. I don’t want to have, a not great day.
The reason I don’t want to have anything but great days is because life is too short for not having them. That might sound kind corny but that is the way I operate.
How do I do it, first I keep a smile on my face and that make it easy for others to smile back? It is amazing when you smile that others want to be around you. You also put them at ease when you have a smile.
This might sound like a plug for my book “Happiness in Eight Steps” and it is. But, for a good reason I want you to have all great day and in ‘Happiness in Eight Steps” you will find many way to achieve GREAT DAYS.
You might also try to say thank you a lot. But, you have to say it form the heart. How people have the since to know when it is not from the heart I don’t know, but most people can tell when you faking it. It is not hard to say thank you from the heart, because if you really mean it, it will comes from the heart.
Let’s look at it this way, what do you gain from not having a great day, nothing. So don’t even consider not have a great day.
When you get up in the morning, say to yourself this is going to be the greatest day of the rest of my life. This might sound a little wired to you, but by saying it you mentally start off you day on the right foot.
After you start moving it is good to do some kind of exercise. I personally walk for 30 to 45 minutes and then stretch. However, do something it does so many good things for you.
Don’t forget about a good breakfast, which should include at least 8 ounces of liquid. Water if good.
Your mother more than likely told you these things and she was right. So if you don’t want to listen to me remember what your dear Mom told you.
Get up in the morning and don’t just have a great day but MAKE A GREAT DAY.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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