Our lives are one of transition. If you ask me we don’t even know most of the time we are going through them.
I will cover most of the transition we go through later but now I’ll just deal with one. Later I’ll even cover ways of dealing with transitions. But for now I’ll get back to one that I think most of us have gone through.
This is about marriage, so listen up even if you haven’t been married you more than likely have experienced this transition.
Here is my story and I am sticking to it. Before “M” I was a party guy. Why not I am in college, in a fraternity and school wasn’t that difficult, so why not have fun.
To tell you the truth I think what I was doing was very healthy for me. If you look at that what was happening I had the opportunity to meet a vast number of different types of people. Why do I think that was important? I think what was happening to me is I was slowly sorting out the types of people I felt most comfortable with.
You might ask where is this big transition I started out to tell you about. Will here it is. When the right person came around that had just the right chemistry, I knew I didn’t have to look any longer, so the transition began.
The need to go out and party to meet others (Girls) just stopped. The reason was I had found the person I wanted to be with. Yes for the rest of my life. I can say it was like a bolt of lightning when I met her. The transition was beginning.
We did not have one of those long courtships. I have friends that were engaged for years. Not Micki and I.
We started dating in June, Pinned in July, Engages in November and married April 11 the following year. We would have been married in January, but her mother said we had to wait tell after lent.
All I can say as the transition from a single guy to a married man took less than one year and it was totally painless.
After three years we started a family and that started a very interesting transition. I’ll tell you about it some time.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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