Monday, July 27, 2009

Things sure do change

I’ll start this out with the portable phone. Forty some years ago you could get a portable phone, it is was in a brief case and cost thousands of dollars. I have no ideas what it cost to use, but I am sure it was really expensive.

That was forty years ago but just twenty years ago you could get a cell phone that could fit in a brief case, and have room for other things to. It looked like a white brick and was about the same size, and they were still very expensive.
Motorola was the leader in white brick portable phone sales and at the time the innovators. Then came the first flip cell phone, it was still too large to fit in your pocket, but it was sure a lot smaller the white brick.

Here is a story about the Motorola flip phone. I was at a conference in Bergamo, Italy. Kip a good friend and I were sitting in a beautiful mid-evil town square at a little restraint. The square was slowly filling up with men and every one of them was carrying a Motorola flip phone. From time to time one of them would put the phone to their ear and talk. They would go to one group to another and after each encounter they would get on their phone. Then Kip and I noticed one guy who had the old white brick phone and no one was talking with him.

This was going on for some time and then a very handsome young man walk toward the group. He was dressed like a movie star. His camel hair over coat was trapped over his shoulders and he had tan pair of very expensive shoes on.

One by one someone form one other group would approach him and talk for a few minutes and then leave and go back to his group talk to his group and then get on his phone. Someone from each group did the same thing until all the group had talked to very impressive man, all but except the man with the white brick phone.
In fact the man with the white brick phone talked to no one. After all the talking the whole group, including the man with the white brick phone left the square and went into the restaurant Kip and I were sitting in front of.

What Kip and found out later these men owned soccer clubs and were drafting and trading players. We never did find out who the very handsome young man was but we believe he most have been the local don. Well is sounds good

What we also think we saw was phone snobbery. If you didn’t have a Motorola flip phone you where not included in the group.

More on mobile phones later.

Happiness with Wealth to you



Sunday, July 26, 2009

Here’s going through transition

Our lives are one of transition. If you ask me we don’t even know most of the time we are going through them.

I will cover most of the transition we go through later but now I’ll just deal with one. Later I’ll even cover ways of dealing with transitions. But for now I’ll get back to one that I think most of us have gone through.

This is about marriage, so listen up even if you haven’t been married you more than likely have experienced this transition.

Here is my story and I am sticking to it. Before “M” I was a party guy. Why not I am in college, in a fraternity and school wasn’t that difficult, so why not have fun.
To tell you the truth I think what I was doing was very healthy for me. If you look at that what was happening I had the opportunity to meet a vast number of different types of people. Why do I think that was important? I think what was happening to me is I was slowly sorting out the types of people I felt most comfortable with.

You might ask where is this big transition I started out to tell you about. Will here it is. When the right person came around that had just the right chemistry, I knew I didn’t have to look any longer, so the transition began.

The need to go out and party to meet others (Girls) just stopped. The reason was I had found the person I wanted to be with. Yes for the rest of my life. I can say it was like a bolt of lightning when I met her. The transition was beginning.
We did not have one of those long courtships. I have friends that were engaged for years. Not Micki and I.

We started dating in June, Pinned in July, Engages in November and married April 11 the following year. We would have been married in January, but her mother said we had to wait tell after lent.

All I can say as the transition from a single guy to a married man took less than one year and it was totally painless.

After three years we started a family and that started a very interesting transition. I’ll tell you about it some time.

Happiness with Wealth to you



Thursday, July 23, 2009

If you want to improve, you have to go to it is FREE and there is so much you can do on it and with Morning Coach you have to experience it to believe it. The first thing you have to do listen to J B Glossinger, Phd. He give a fifteen minute talk that can give you some GREAT ideas on how to improve your life.

So you know there is over thirty five thousand people a day listen to JB., so JB must be giving people information that is useful to them. If that is all Morning Coach gave you was JB it would be more than worth your time, but there is much more.
I won’t go over everything on the Moring Coach web site, but will touch on some of the things that might be helpful, I know they are for me.

Let’s start with the DREAM BOARD. You can actually put photos on things you are dreaming about. What a great visual remember that will help motivate you toward you goals.

Then there is place where you can put your goals, which you should read daily to keep you forced. You can also put your personal mission statement. I believe you don’t change your mission often, however it important never to lose sight you what your mission is.

You can also put your favorite quotes and all of this can be done on the “DREAN BOARD page. But it doesn’t stop there. You can s put up your own blog and read what others have to say. You can go to the FORUM page and follow others and or give your option .

My advice to you is to get on Morning Coach listen to JB and explore the entire site. There might be one section that is more important to you than others and that is OK. But I will say you will start to make Moring Coach a part of your daily routine and for that you will be every improving.

Happiness with Wealth to you



Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Learn about getting more out of your computer

You can help me to help those that would like to do more with their computer, but don’t know how. Many don’t even know what they want because they have no ideas what is available.

Did you know that Gmail is so much more than an email system? You might but I have found out that most people don’t know what Gmail has to offer. It has a calendar to help you keep track of what you are going to do, and you can also share it with ever you want.

Gmail has documents, presentations, a spreadsheet, forms and folders. If you want templates it has hundreds to choose from. You can use your photos, reader, which has its own tutorial. It gives you tools to make you own web site. You can go directly to Google
This is a big one “more”. When you click more it has a dropdown comes with even more things to use. I’ll tell you about one. “Scholar” it takes you to a special Google call “scholar beta”. It takes you directly to books and studies you are interested in.

As you can see just in one location, Gmail has so many tools to make your computer experience a great one. I have to tell you everything on Gmail is FREE. It is truly worth the time to learn the tools on Gmail.
Maybe you want to learn about blogging. It isn’t hard once you know what to do. And you can do all this FREE.

Podcasting isn’t hard either if you know what to do. To makes it real easy you might have to put up a little money, but you will find it will worth your while.
Social networking in become such a powerful tool. We will go over how to use each of the big social networks.

Here is one that is devoted to your personal development. Go to and sign up it is FREE. I’ll go over the many things you can do on Morning Coach later.

Please give me your thoughts on what you think would important for you to know more about. You can e-mail me at or make a comment on my web page at .

I am looking forward to you ideas.

Happiness with Wealth to you



Monday, July 20, 2009

Savor the moment

You have and I have had some wonderful experiences and when we do we should savor the moment. When we savor the moment we are giving our self a special memory.
When you’re having a bad day and we all do, even me, we can take that savored moment bring it up from the memory bank to lift our spirits.

Yesterday I had one of those moments I am going to savor. It might not look like a big deal to you, but it was for me. You see I am not a good golfer, but I do enjoy getting out in the fresh air and see all the beautiful scenery that a golf course provides.

What I did yesterday was something special for me and that is I was very consistent with my golf swing. That translated into good golf shoots, it so much more fun when you hitting the golf ball straight and longer than you normally do. Plus my short game was fantastic. From a hundred and twenty yard and closer I was dropping my shots close to the pin. For me that is sensational.

Enough of my golf, my point is when those special things happen give you self a celebration. Don’t do what I just did a bore others with your special moment, but sit back and relive it a few times. Try it you’ll like it.

Take a few minutes and look at some of that special moment in your life. What this will do for you is reminder you how blessed you have been to have had those special moments.

You more than likely have more special moments that you have savored. Use them to brighten a day that could use some brightening.

May all of us have many more special moments we can savor?

Happiness with Wealth to you



Friday, July 17, 2009

Here is something about nothing.

Did you ever just want to do something that seemed dumb, but you did it anyways. I have done things like that and it turned out OK.

I don’t like scary movies or wild ride at Disney or any other theme park, but I have done both and lived ,but I must say I didn’t enjoy the movies or the rides. If it wasn’t for Micki and our boys I won’t ever watch any scary movies, but if I want to be around them I have to.

It seems for the boys the scarier the better. For me give me a slapstick movie and I am the happiest guy on the block. I think my problem is I think those scary movies are real and the boys look at them as strictly entertainment.

Those really bad rides I’ll so almost anything not to go on them, but like the scary movies I have to go on them once a while. The last time was the Tower of Terror. I begged Micki for us not to go on it, but she just said we are going. We are standing in live and long it was, so I thought maybe the park would close before we had to get on the ride but is stayed open.

If I was smart I should have realized if people were getting killed on this ride there would be line of trucks loading the dead bodies in them, but there were no trucks hauling dead bodies away.

You would have thought by not seeing any dead bodies would have made me feel better, but I was sure something terrible was going to happen to me. I didn’t know what, but I just knew something no good was going to happen to me.

The time came and we entered the Tower of Terror. There was some very scary music blasting around us and it was dark. We were escorted into a people mover and had to sit down and then a bar came across our lap. Now I knew for sure this was going be the end of me.

After we were moved around a bunch of scary things we entered the Tower of Terror. This was going to be the last of me for sure. Then it happened the whole people mover went in to free fall and all my worsted fears had happened.

My heart was in my throat and was racing a thousand mile per hour. Then it everything stopped and the bar on our lap was lifted and we were asked to leave. That was it. I just know it was miracle that I survived.

Please don’t ask me to go a watch a scary movie or go on some wild and scary ride.

Happiness with Wealth to you



Thursday, July 16, 2009

Do you have some goals?

Have goals is not just for someone else, we should all have our own personal goals. You don’t have to write pages of thinks you want to achieve. You can do it on less than one piece of paper.

You might want a goal for some personal achievement. Example: I am going to exercise at least six day a week. Now you have set you goal put together a plan of action to help you achieve your goal.

It might be as simple putting in your plan to set your alarm clock thirty minutes earlier every morning and then get up and start you exercise program. If you want more time then set the alarm clock forty five or sixty minutes earlier.

What as happen after a week or two you will have created a habit, which means you will be able to continue on your exercise program for as long as you want. You body will almost make you continue you exercise program.

The most important thing you have to do is to get started. A goal will help you to that. Along with the goal you have to make sure that you get a reward for achieving the goal.

The results of exercise program could be that you lowered you bad cholesterol to a safe level. Because you set a goal and stuck with it you are now a healthier person because of it. Maybe you should have said you wanted to lower your cholesterol and that would have been fine. The plan might have been a little different but the main things is you goal worked to achieve it.

You might want to have different goals for different things in your life. We just covered a health goal. Now you might want to be the best of whatever you do. That might take additional education and or life experience that your’ lacking.

Whatever the goal is write it down and then develop an action plan on how to get there. In the action plan set some target dates that you should hit along the way of reaching you goal. Here is something that makes it fun as you go on your journey of achieving your goal, have a celebration as you hit the mile stone on the way.

Today write down some goals that are important for you to achieve. Then put together an action plan for each goal. Then work the plan and see the results of your labor.

with Wealth to you




Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tour De France

Don’t turn me off if you wonder why I would be talking about Tour De France. Even if you don’t care anything about the sport of bike racing you have to watch it for the beauty of the scenery.

I love mountains and the once they are showing during the race are so spectacular. I would just like to sit down on the soft grass leaning against a tree and enjoy the Mountain View with a bottle of red wine, and I don't even drink.

The part the really gets me is they are racing up these mountains. I walk a lot but I can’t imagine walking that mountain let alone racing a bike up them.

Now back to the beautiful scenery and the guys covering the race. It is like taking a history course when they start telling you about the towns, church sand the old structures you seeing.

You could forget about the race and just watch all the b wonderful sights and watching the Tour De France would be worth your while.

However, when you think of the fitness of the riders to take the punishment of the race is beyond my comprehension. The day after day riding at speeds I couldn’t reach on a bike when I was kid. It is truly amazing to me.

Now the story get better a friend of mine is going to be in the race. Not as racer but as a follower. I have no ideas what that is but is going to do it. His wife surprises him and entered him to four days of the event and one of the sections he is going to be in is in the thirteen mile mountain section which is all up hilled. By the way he bought a lower gear for his bike.

He rides all the time, but in Florida the longest and steepest hills are over passes. My heart goes out to him.

I do know other bake race. John my neighbor just won the iron man in Brazil. He said he had to problems the weather, because it was in the mid fifties and that is not Florida weather. His second problem was the swim. He told me that he had to swim the whole race into the current. Even with these problems he won his age bracket. By the way he is seventy three. In October he will be in the Kona Coast Hawaiian Iron Man. You know something he more that likely will win.

One last bike story and that is about my son Skip. He just likes to ride as fast and far as he can and press his body to the boundaries of total exhaustion. Deb, his wife, and Micki, his mother, are hoping and praying for the day he decides to play more golf.

The race is not only very physically but as so many technical part to make for a winning team. But for me I am enjoying the scenery.

Happiness with Wealth to you

And: http://www.lindemannletters.comPodcast:

Monday, July 13, 2009

What makes us happy?

There is and still is a study going on about what makes us happy and it had two hundred and sixty eight young men who entered college in the late nineteen thirties, just imagine a study going for this long.

From time to time I will give you some of the finding of the study, but I am not going to give you it in one big bite.

Because the study went on for so long there were several heads of the program, but one that stood out is Dr. Valillant. He is a story in himself, but we’ll leave that for another time.

One of the things that were found out in the study was some the traits that these men had that gave them a long and happy live especially in their later years. The ones that had these traits in their fifties ended up living into their eighties, but those that had three or less of the traits didn’t end up happy or well at eighty. And that is if they made to eighty.

I am happy tell you that at fifty I had five of the eight traits. So I guess I am going to be OK at eighty.

Education is one of the traits that are important and I qualified for that and another is a stable marriage. Micki and I are going on forty six years of marriage and both of us it is our first marriage.

So of the other things are not smoking, which I did when I was younger but stopped at the age of twenty seven. Smoking was easy to stop for me because they didn’t taste good. But I must tell you for a long time I did like the smell of someone else smoking, but not anymore.

I will only take a non-smoking room. The stale odor of cigarette smoke is revolting to me.

I’ll cover more of those things that help you have a long and happy life in the future.

Happiness with Wealth to you



Saturday, July 11, 2009

It is a great day

Great days are everyday for me. Oh some days are greater than others, but I have great days for a reason. I don’t want to have, a not great day.

The reason I don’t want to have anything but great days is because life is too short for not having them. That might sound kind corny but that is the way I operate.

How do I do it, first I keep a smile on my face and that make it easy for others to smile back? It is amazing when you smile that others want to be around you. You also put them at ease when you have a smile.

This might sound like a plug for my book “Happiness in Eight Steps” and it is. But, for a good reason I want you to have all great day and in ‘Happiness in Eight Steps” you will find many way to achieve GREAT DAYS.

You might also try to say thank you a lot. But, you have to say it form the heart. How people have the since to know when it is not from the heart I don’t know, but most people can tell when you faking it. It is not hard to say thank you from the heart, because if you really mean it, it will comes from the heart.

Let’s look at it this way, what do you gain from not having a great day, nothing. So don’t even consider not have a great day.

When you get up in the morning, say to yourself this is going to be the greatest day of the rest of my life. This might sound a little wired to you, but by saying it you mentally start off you day on the right foot.

After you start moving it is good to do some kind of exercise. I personally walk for 30 to 45 minutes and then stretch. However, do something it does so many good things for you.

Don’t forget about a good breakfast, which should include at least 8 ounces of liquid. Water if good.

Your mother more than likely told you these things and she was right. So if you don’t want to listen to me remember what your dear Mom told you.

Get up in the morning and don’t just have a great day but MAKE A GREAT DAY.

Happiness with Wealth to you



Friday, July 10, 2009


Did you know that two hundred years ago Charles Darwin was born and one hundred and fifty year his book on evolution was published, you might say what is the big deal about Darwin , will this quote might give you a hint.

Darwin said”It is not the strongest of the species that survives, or the most intelligent that survive. It the one most adaptable to change.

Into day’s world with things changing at lightning speed we have to adapted much quicker than in the past. Waiting is no longer an option.

Ready, aim, fire is a thing of the past. Now it is point and shot. Yes a step had been taken out.

There is some comfort though and that is we can get information so much faster to help us adjust to whatever has changed.

To put this in another way just by getting on the Internet we can find out information that could days to research. But with a touch the computer key board we can access almost any information we need in seconds.

A good example of this is when I was in college and had to write a paper, I had to go to the library and spend hours just going of the card file to locate some books that might have information I need to write the paper. You hear me I might find so books that might have information I need. Then I would have to read them to garner what I needed.

Now I can get most of my informational I need on the internet. Yes I still read a lot which helps me see what is going on new in the world, but the internet is where I get most of my information.

I am not the strongest of humans or the most intelligent, but I am sure pretty adaptable. Adaptability is the secret of having continued personal growth.

Go out and put yourself a step ahead and become that adaptable survivor.

Happiness with Wealth to you



Thursday, July 9, 2009

It is easy to miss the obvious

Fred was standing in the center of hundreds of trees and his question was to Sam where is the forest. Will that was me yesterday. I so much want you opinion on what you want to hear I missed the most obvious way for you let me know.

At the bottom of the blog is place for you to put a comment. All I had to tell you make me a comment on what you like or want. No, I go through telling you how to E-mail me or how you can go to my web site and use contact and make you comment.

Today I am telling myself how could I have missed the comments section at the bottom of the blog. It just goes to show you that we or at least me can’t see everything.
Now for you folks that have listened the pod cast, all I had to tell you is to go to, which I do every pod cast, and leave me comment. That sounds so simple doesn’t it.

This is why two minds are so much better than one. I can’t tell you how many times I have started to do something and Micki would say why are you doing it that way if you did it this way it would be much easier and look better.

My ego might get bent a little bit, but I know she is right.

Missing the obvious happens all the time, just look at what our legislator pass and as soon as it becomes law it is found out there is a glaring error in the bill. There were countless people that reviewed this piece of legislation and still there were some bad mistakes in it.

Now I missed the obvious by not telling you to give me your comments at the bottom of the blog, but I did it all by myself. I guess I am human after all.

Happiness with Wealth to you



Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What do you want to hear about?

Please tell me what you want to hear about. Do you like stories that make you feel good, articles on how to help you grow as a person, or funny stories? I would like your suggestions.

My experience is very broad based so I can give you a lot of ideas and many subjects. If that is OK with you I’ll continue to do that, however my intention is to give you information that is useful to you.

Maybe a funny story makes you laugh and that is good for you, or how about how to make a million dollars, in seven simple steps. If I could do that I would be a millionaire many times over.

How about I get realistic and go back to the premises that your ideas on what you want to hear about are important to me.
One, you can let me know what you want to hear about so I will get a since of what your needs are.
Two, I’ll feel better because I’ll be writing about things that you want to hear about. That will be good for you because you’ll be reading about things you want to hear about.

Here is what you can do. E-mail me at and tell what you like to hear.

Do like it the way I am presently blogging and podcasting. Would you like more humor, or would you want more about self improvement.

This is your call. I want to give you what you want, so please let me know what you want to hear about.

This is not anything about the letting me know what you want to hear about, so bear with me.

I’ve lived in Florida for almost thirty nine years and the heat rarely bothers me, but today for whatever reason my partner, Doug, and I quit after nine holes. It was hot and humid, so I had a light lunch and some ice tea and now I am ready for the rest of the day. Going to the pool is in my future as some as I finish some writing.

Looking forward to your comments, besides my E-mail address you can go to and go to contact and give me your thoughts.

Happiness with Wealth to you

And: http://www.lindemannletters.comPodcast:

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

You don’t want a coach

That is what Eric Schmidt said in 2001. Who is Eric Schmidt; he is the Chairman and CEO of Google. You know the company it is the one you say Google it rather do some research.

Eric has one great company and he finally got a coach...but his first reaction when told he should have a coach was one why should I have a coach. I am pretty experienced and I am the best person in the world at this stuff so why do I need a coach.

He found out that a coach doesn’t have to be the best, for example Tiger Woods has a swing coach and he is a pretty good golfer. Eric decided to try a coach and here is what he found.

A coach has to help you to be your best. A business and personal coach is somebody who can look at a situation and give you their view. The coach tells you what he sees and then you and he or she goes over the problem.

A good coach helps you see yourself and helps you understand that you might have some failing in a given area.

A coach does not do you work. A coach gets you to see issues that you might not be seeing for your prospective. This can be a great advantage when things start to change quicker than you would want.

We are all human and a coach’s works with us to achieve things that we might not have been able to because of some blind spot we might have had.

You might say will I have a good team and that is their jog to keep the organization moving forward and you right, but as CEO you still sit in the lonely office and the buck stops there.

Your coach is the one that you can bounce of the ideas that you might not want to bounce off you team. Or he might give some insight in to how to achieve even greater success for your organization.

If you want to know more about coaching I would be honored to give you a FREE coaching evolution.

E-mail to and say send me you FREE coaching evaluation information.

Happiness with Wealth to you



Monday, July 6, 2009

The little things

In business if you do all the little things right you don’t have to sweat the big stuff. In everyday life the little thing are very important to.

In relationships like marriage I have to say the little things are extremely important. Let examine what I mean buy little things.

How about if you say “don’t you look great today” that type of comment goes so far to make you partner, wife or husband really know that you are paying attention to them?

You might say will they don’t pay attention to what I say and I’ll tell you your’ wrong. You might think they are not paying attention but they are.

Your wife or husband does something special and you say thank you. When you say thank you it has to come from the heart. That is because you have to care that what they did was really important for you.

You can volunteer do something that you normally don’t do. It might seem like a small thing to you bet it could be and normally is to your spouse.

Are you getting the drift? What your’ doing by doing the little things is paying attention and we all like attention.

Here is a story how I botched up. We were getting ready to go to some place special and Micki had put a lot of time picking out the outfit she was going to wear.

Down the stairs she came looking like a million buck with a great smile What does this non observant guy say, nothing. Will you can just think about what a lousy time I that evening.

All I had to say you look really special tonight and she did. However, I didn’t say anything.

Normally I am not that dumb, but that night for whatever reason I was. You can bet I won’t do that again.

Now it totally part of my life to do the little things right, it is the only way to go.

Happiness with Wealth to you



Sunday, July 5, 2009

What a pleasant surprise

It was a pleasant surprise. Todd our son who lives in Dallas and his girl friend unexpectedly flew in for some RR and RR. We had just visited them and the granddaughters two week earlier, but it was just nice to have them in our house. They didn’t bring the girls because they were visiting the other grandparents.

Having Todd and Kim would have been a surprise enough, but no there is more. They got to our house about 1:30 AM. We got up to welcome them and then we all sat in the living room and started to get caught up.
Then out of the blue Todd told us that he and Kim, now Kim is above girlfriend she is his wife to be, were going to get married next June. You can imagine how excited we were.
Now came all the questions from Micki. Todd Said “Mom we are going to plan this ourselves so relax”. So that ended Mick’s plans on organizing the wedding.
So we let them tell us what they were going to do. Will it is going to be in the Florida Keys. It is not going to a big wedding, just close friend. I think Micki and I qualify as close friends so we are planning on attending their wedding.

We did not see much of them while they were at our house because they were down in the Keys looking for place for the wedding. They think they found the place. Micki and I have stayed at the Islander and know it is wonderful.

There are two pools near the beach and first class open bar and restaurant along side of the pool. It also has areas of beach on the ocean. They haven’t sign the papers to have it there, but their getting close.

Even though we are not in the planning of the wedding we are sure caught in the excitement. June 2010 can’t come soon enough for Micki and I, but will have to wait just like we had to wait for Santa Clause every year when we were kids.

You can bet if Kim and Todd ask for any help planning the wedding, you can be sure Micki will be the first to lend a hand.

Happiness with Wealth to you



Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th

Do we live in the greatest country or what? I think so for many reasons. Here is why I believe we have such a great country.

We have the right to say what we believe and I could stop right there. Pounder that statement, because in so many places in the world you can’t say what you believe.
Not only can we believe what we want, but we can say whatever we believe in as long it doesn’t slander others.

Let say I am a Democrat and I have very strong feelings about the labor movement in the US. I have the right not only to believe my convections but tell others. Try that in China or North Korea, or in most of the Middle Eastern countries.

So we can all believe and say what we want and it is OK. Just look at when it is election time. The way things are going I think it is always election time. Will any ways there are sure a lot of different opinions on how to solve the problems that we have.

But when the election is over it is over. We don’t have armed over throw of who was or elected or throw them out because we don’t like them.

We are really blessed because as a country we can have honest debate on any issues. We don’t have to agree, but we do have the right to give our view.

Maybe I have spent too much time on free speech, but it so important to all of us I just had to express myself.

To all of you, remember it as taken so many people in the past to make it possible for us to have such wonderful country to live in.

So go out and celebrate Independence Day with the spirit of thanks to all those that have help make this the greatest and freest country in the world.

Happiness with Wealth to you



Friday, July 3, 2009

All for $2.60

Yes for $2.60 I got four trips on a tool road in Dallas. That is not the news, but how I had to learn about it is.

Living in Florida I am use to toll roads. We have the famous Florida Turnpike, the Turnpike extension that leads you into the Florida Keys and in Orlando they have numerous toll roads.

But not like they have in Texas. Here is what happened. I was driving downs the highway and a sign would say”Last chance to get off before toll”, I had no reason to get off so I just kept going. As I traveled further I went under something metal, what looked like metal bridges over the road.

I never gave it second thought. Shortly later it said” End of Toll Road”. There were no tool booths, you didn’t have to slow down, and so I didn’t give it second thought.

Will I was in Texas I didn’t give the toll road much thought other than to think they must not care about out state people or rent a cars paying their the tolls.

Will I was wrong. Yesterday about a week after we got home from Texas I got a letter for the North Texas Toll Way Authority. It was a bill for $2.60. It showed me that I had been on the tool road four times at 65 cents a trip.

It also showed a photo of the back of my rent a car with a readable view of the license plate. To let you know that they really knew the plate number they printed it in big bolt letters and numbers. I guess that was to reinforce that they knew the car you where in.

Just think what happened here. There was photo recognition of the license plate. Two they had to get from the tiling agency who owned the car. Three in my case it was a rent a car company. Fourth they had to get who rented the car that was using the toll road at that time, which in this case was me.

I asked my son about this toll system and he said it was developed by Raytheon. I always thought Raytheon was a defense contractor. But now I remember that they make many kinds of electronic equipment.

This is Doctor Spock kind of stuff. No toll booths, no need for money at the time of driving on the tool road, no need to slow down and get a bill through mail later.
Now for the low tech Stuff,

I’ll send the check by slow mail.

Happiness with Wealth to you



Thursday, July 2, 2009

People really care

Speaking at Rotary Clubs and other such organization is something I really like to do. The reason is these people really care about their community. They support so many young people with scholarships.

One group I spoke at gives wheel chairs to people in counties that have millions people in need. They sent me picture of one young man who got the wheel chair and you could see the most wonderful smile you could have ever seen.

When your’ around people like this it makes you want to do more for those that can’t help themselves. Most of these volunteers have full time jobs, but they still find time to help others.

My brother in law was such a person. He managed a Ford Motor plant, which was more than a full time job, but he still had time to be a Boy Scout leader and that is when he didn’t have his on boys. Later he helped meals on wheels, plus helps endless hour at his church.

My question to you is what the world would be like if we didn’t have people that were so willing to give of their time to help others. I just am not going to think about that.

Back to the good stuff, and that is people that really care. I wish we could calculate how much people that care and get involved save us in tax dollars.

Here I go again looking at the financial end of things. What I need to look at all the good things that are done and suffering that has been reduced because of a these volunteers that care.

How about this, we proclaim the week of August first “People really care week”. Everyone that you know that is a “really care person” give them a BIG thank you. They really deserve it. But you know why they really do what they do is to help others.

Happiness with Wealth to you

