Friday, December 24, 2010

Why I am a Happiness expert?

To me is very simple, I love being happy. I loved being happy so much I started studying happiness. That prompted me to write my first book “Happiness in 8 Steps”. It is book everyone should read. It is book that takes you on the journey on how to improve happiness in your life.

Many of those that have read “Happiness in 8 Steps” have told me it has so many things that they knew, but didn’t practice in their everyday living.
Here are the 8 steps and you can decide.

One is to smile, everyone likes a smile. Two is to show gratitude everyone likes a thank you. Three giving, when you give of yourself you are truly giving. Four is being healthy, being healthy makes life more fulfilling. Five is stay in shape that helps with having good health. Six is being around people you love that make life worth living. Seven laugh, laughing does so many good things you and others. Eight live your life in the present, that past is the past and you can’t change it and future is but to come.

There is a lot more to happiness and that is what I have found out in my studies. Being grump is not being happy I and wrote a book on the “ Dump the Grump” it will be in print early January.

Happiness builds health is something else I found in my studies. Part of building your personal health is to understand you self and others. Why is that important, because by better understanding you self and others you greatly reduce your personal stress. Stress is hard on you immune systems. When your immune systems aren’t working will it is easier to get sick.

I became an expert on happiness because I saw such a need for people to raise their level of happiness and by doing that they can improve the quality of their life.

Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Do the little things right and…

Do the little things right and so many things go right, like the big things. Here is a story about a guy who made the little things right and made something happiness that many didn’t think could happen.

Alan Mulally is now the president and CEO of Ford Motor Company. When he was hired from Boeing he was top executive there, but was turned down to be the CEO at Boeing. Ford offered him the job as CEO and president and he took it, even thought Ford was considered one of the big three to go out of business.

When Alan started his new job at Ford he took some time to look at the inner workings of Ford. After some time he called a meeting of his top managers and told them to give a report on the status of their area of responsibility.

Alan started the meeting by asking some questions, like why do we have so many wiring harnesses for the same car platform. He also brought up many others things that he thought needed to be addressed. It is not important that you know what a wiring harness is or a car platform, but it important to know he saw a lot of waste.

As you might imagine the first meeting was a lengthy one. What came out of the first meeting is that each manager was accountable to keep the organization fully informed of the progress of their group.

The little things mean a lot to Alan and it didn’t take long for the management team to understand that. You as a manager had to keep the organization up to date on your team’s progress and if it wasn’t doing will you had do let everyone know. If you didn’t then Alan had the whole Ford management team help you get on track
Ford went from looking like a loser to being the most admired car manufacture in the United States.

Next time I’ll give some of the little things that Alan did to turn Ford into a power house in the automobile business. What Alan taught Ford can help you do the little things right so the big things can happens.

Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals.

Monday, December 20, 2010


So many times we don’t appreciate something tell we lose it. For example last week I got a terrible throat infection and I can say it stopped me in my tracks.
Off to the doctors and he agreed I was sick and gave me medication that would get me well and told me to go home and rest.

I took all the medication which took five days and stopped doing all the things I normally do, like walking 45 minutes a day and a 15 minute workout.

Now that I am feeling better I have greater appreciation of wellness. Now for the bad part, the doctor total me I was in an infectious stage, so don’t cough around people. That I tried to do, but I must have messed up some were, because Micki, my wife, now has the same thing I had.

The good part is we both got to the doctor in time so it didn’t turn into bronchitis. I am starting to feel a little better, but Micki is just in the beginning stages.

In a couple of days I should be able to get back to my routine. You know what I’ll appreciate the walking and workout more after being sick.

Maybe we should take an inventory of all the good things that we have and say a BIG thank you in appreciation of all the wonderful things we have in this life. It might be the family dog seating on your lap or going to a favorite friend’s house to visit.

Appreciate all the things you have been given because we never know when they won’t be there. When your little daughter wants you to read her a story, take the time and do it. Stop by your Mom and Dad’s house just to thank them for all they have done for you.

We all love to be appreciated, so take the time to let others know how much you appreciate them.

Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Why not laugh

Laughing is a good work out for your diaphragm, abdominal, respiratory, facial, leg and back muscles. Not only does laughter give your midsection a workout, it can benefit digestion and absorption functioning as well. It is estimated that hearty laughter can burn calories equivalent to several minutes on the rowing machine or the exercise bike (and you know how much I love the bike).

Bike and swimming are to two forms of exercise that I don’t care for. If there is nothing else to do I will do them, but they are on the bottom of my list.

Back to laughter. If you want your brain stimulated, laugh, because laughing enhances learning. If you want to release muscle tension, laugh. If you are psychologically stressed, laugh. Laughter keeps the brain alert. If you want to retain more information, laugh.

Now we are getting somewhere. Ready for more? Well, here we go.

Rather than get upset when things are not going your way, laugh. Laughing helps you, and also the people around you, feel better. If you need to release pent-up feelings of frustration and/or anger, laugh. Laughter is a socially acceptable way to it. When you laugh, you reduce tension, which can be very relaxing.

Are you starting to become a believer? I sure hope so! But, there is still more.
To minimize a situation that is causing you anxiety, visualize a humorous situation.
Laughter helps to bind us together. When we laugh together it helps us become closer to one another. Laughter is better enjoyed when it is shared with others.

If you want to be healed, laugh. Doctors are giving more patients laugh therapy to reduce stress.

When you hear laughter, go find out where it is coming from. Go there, listen, and if you have anything that can encourage more laughter, join in. There is something about laugher; it breeds on itself.

The above reason are good, but there is more and I’ll tell you them at a later time, but tell them keep laughing.

Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Monday, December 13, 2010

We are never too old to learn

Studies now show that we can keep on learning no matter what your age. So who cares? We should all care? By continually learning the world becomes a wonderful place.

People today more than ever have to continue to keep pace with our changing world. Example having a PC was a very big deal 15 years ago. Today we carry devices that can fit in our pockets that our more powerful that the PC of 15 years ago.

Just like physical activity keeps your body in shape, keeping you mind active keeps you mind in shape. Manually adding numbers help keeps the mind in shape. Anything that works you brain is good.

By keeping your mind active it gains in mental strength or putting it another way use it or lose it and who want t lose it. Playing card, doing cross word puzzles or anything that challenges your mind helps build your mind.

My Dad was writing programs for is PC in dos when he was in his 80’s and a friend of mine, who is in his mid 80’s, is still consulting and is in great demand.

Learning is something we never have to stop doing. The great thing is there so much for us to learn. By learning new thing our lives become so much richer. We can accept change better, which helps relive life’s tension.

Do one thing each day that works your mind. By doing that you mind will forever expand and allow you to continue to grow. What is wrong with that? When you constantly learn new things and keep you mind active you enjoy more of the things that are going on around you.

Don’t let anyone tell you are too old to learn, because they are wrong. Keep your mind active and your life’s journey will be good one.

Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Monday, December 6, 2010


Happy birthday, thanksgiving and happy new years, these are all time for celebrations. We could fill up the whole page of celebrations and there would be important to you and me.

Let talk about what celebrations do for us, first celebrations help us remember. The 4th of July helps us remember the founding of our Country. Thanksgiving let us remember to be thankful for what we have. Remembering those things that have made us and our country a wonderful place to live in, is so important to keep us centered on how thankful we are.

Second celebrations make us feel good. The 4thof July picnic makes feel good about living in such a fantastic country. New Years eve we celebrate for a successful last year and looking forward to rewarding new-year. Then there is the birthday celebration, some people want to forget their age, but my Dad always said you want to have birthdays.

Third it is a time to celebrate that we have the opportunity to continually improve our self. If every day we get a little better just see how much better we’ll be at the end of the year. Just think if you wanted to get into better shape. If you started working out 10 minutes a day the first week and every week there after you added 1 minute by the end of the year you would be working out over 60 minutes a day.

When you celebrate your’ giving yourself a gift. Who deserves it more that you. You’re a good person, so soak up the energy you get from celebrating. Take the time to not only celebrate the big things, but take the time to celebrate the little thing. You will find life much more rewarding when you do.

Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Yes it s time to be THANKFUL

It is so easy at times to see all the bad things in the world. The question is can we control them? I think not, but let’s look at all the good things that are going around us daily.

Three weeks ago Micki, my wife, had knee surgery. It was more painful that she thought, but after two and half week things have gotten a lot better. The good thing is she is driving and insists on using here Porsche.

Just having her back doing the things she likes to do is enough to be thankful for. But there is more. Skip our oldest son last Wednesday had major hip surgery. The doctors said he should have full recovery, but he is going to have to take it slow recovery. For a guy who does triathlons not being super active will be a real strange.

Skip has gone through other things such shoulder reconstruction, three vertebrae frozen together plus knee and other body reconstruction. Ship was baseball player and has gone through all of this. Todd our youngest son played tackle football from the age of eight through four year of college and has never seen the inside of a hospital, except to see his brother.

We are told that both Micki and Skip are going to be as good as new and that’s a lot to be thankful for. But there is more. Our Dallas son, Todd, came in for Thanksgiving which a special treat.

Todd got to see Skip and being their not only brothers but good friends that was a good lift for Skip.

2011 is going to a GREAT year because we have everyone healthy. My new book will be out and I am looking forward to telling the story of Dump the Grump.

If you would like me to speak to you group E-mail me at

Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Being a care giver

A week ago Friday Micki had knee surgery. It was out patient, so she was home by 3:00 PM. They had her full of pain medication, thus she felt pretty good. We had some stronger medication for when the hospital medication wore off so I was feeling real good that Micki wasn’t going to have much pain. Was I wrong?

She didn’t want to take our pain medication tell she needed it, so we waited and waited. Then the pain came, not a little, but a whole lot. I have been told you don’t want to let the pain get ahead of the medication and now we were finding out why.

Here are the stories that were told to me by friend that have had their knees scoped. They told me a couple of day they were almost walking normal with little pain.

That didn’t happen to Micki here knee then here foot was just throbbing with pain. There was little sleeping and as time wore on here patience wore thin. This is when being the care giver can be challenging
What happened Saturday morning Micki fired me. Yes she fired me, now what I am going to do? Then the pain medication kicked in and she rehired me. That was a close one.

After a week Micki still has a lot of pain and I am doing my best to make sure she gets everything she want and needs. I must say I am not the best care giver, but I am working on continual improvement.

To let you know she can walk without crutches around the house, but when she is outside she needs the crutches.

The worst is over for Micki and now I have the big question. I am a bad care giver or is Micki a poor patient. Or could be a little of both. To tell you the truth I don’t care. What I care about is Micki is on the mend and smiling, so I am a happy guy.

Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Why is unemployment so high?

Let’s start with who creates jobs, small business. The question is why are they not hiring?

I’ll put the answer in a form of a question. If you didn’t know what your cost were going to be in the future what would you do? If your’ like most of us you would be reluctant about spending your money.

Here is a big question what our health cost going to be? What are your taxes going to be? What is the cost of all the new government regulation going to be?
To you hear a tone of uncertainly in those questions. People get nervous when there is too much uncertainly thus they don’t spend.

As the uncertainties start to get minimized, then small business will start to grow their businesses. At that time production will ramp up and there will be a need to hire.

It sounds simple to me. Take the uncertainty away and our economy will start to flourish, which mean unemployment will go down. That will mean more money in the economy and the cycle will continue to build.

Good news it seems the president is will to let the tax cut ride and the thinking is they will stay for two years. If that does happen one big uncertainly is gone.
Health care is important to all of us, but I think what was pasted needs to be re- examined so we don’t kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.

Raising energy cost just because some people think certain forms of energy a bad. I am not saying we don’t need to re-evaluate our whole energy needs, but to change everything right now is like trying to turn a massive oil freighter in ten minutes and that can’t happen

We are now at a point that some positive discussion will happen and from that dialog, things will be done so the most dynamic economy ever known to man can get recharged.

Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Make more out of life; see the glass as half full.

It all depends who you talk to. There are those that tell you the world is going bad and others are seeing opportunities that going to make them rich. Why such a different?

There are some people that always see the glass half empty. They are out to find the worst and they just find it most of the time. That is too bad because they might have found many things that could have their life better.

I’ll admit it I see the glass as half full. Do bad things happen to me, you bet. But, in the whole scheme of things I am doing quite well. There is an old saying “you get what you ask for” and if there is any truth to it, then doesn’t ask for bad things.

Here are some tips to see the brighter side of the world so when you get up in the morning think of all the good things that happened to you the previous day. This helps you get that boost to make the day a good one.

Don’t be around people that are happy when you not happy and don’t spend time worrying about what they tell you is wrong with you or your situation. I’ll say this again don’t be around these types of people.

Be around people that laugh, smile, say thank you and want to help others. When you’re around these folk your life is always in the sun light. Even if there is some rain in your life, remember rain is what makes the flowers grow.

Certain things you can’t pick, but is for sure you can pick your friends. Pick your friends wisely and then nurture their friendship. Sometimes you might not want to do something, but because they want to, do it. This will not happen often, but you will build even a stronger relationship with you friend if you do. You know something; you might even end up enjoying what you did with your friend.

Many times we over complicate the simplest things, so take my advice and don’t do that. Look at everyday as gift and enjoy them and while your’ doing that give a smile and a thank you to your fellow human being.

Things that go around come around, so keep a smile on your face and in your heart,
many wonderful things will happen to you.

Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Trust is critical

Whatever we do, to be successful there has to be trust. You don’t learn to trust you just have it in your heart. There is one thing about trust t you have to earn it.
One way to earn trust is be trustworthy. That might sound kind of dump, but let’s take look at what trustworthy means. You do what you say. When others can bank on your word you are known as a trustworthy person. That alone can be your strength that has people wanting to be on you team.

Are you perfect, I am not, so where I have flaws I let it be known that I am not perfect and ask for help to overcome my short comings? People will have a lot more confidence in you by you brings you short comings to their attention. With others having that knowledge you can be assured of their support.

There is nothing wrong with leading with your heart. Others feel better when they know you care about their well-being and that helps build a bond you with them. Don’t be afraid to exhibit good will and patience. It will further cement you relationship with people.

Support those that are around you. Let others know that they can depend on you. That helps builds confidence and faith in you.

Don’t just act interested in others be interested. People know if your’ truly sincere and if you are not really interested you have just turned them off. Develop a passion for wanting to know things about others that you regularly interact with. That will help you and them achieve the best results.

What is wrong with saying “Thank You”? Not one thing and people love to hear thank you and to give it more power let them know why your’ thanking them.
Example: Joe thank you for supporting the baseballs team party you helped it to be a great success. Now that wasn’t hard was it? Thank you is such an impacting word, so don’t use it sparingly.

When others trust you, you will achieve more that you can ever imagine.

Happiness with health and wealth to you



Procrastination Can Be Very Stressful

Procrastination for example; since my mother loved music and liked playing the piano even more, mom said I needed to take piano lessons. I like music and even liked the piano, but I didn't like to practice. As a kid I had to play and that is what I did all week. Then the day of my music lesson I would be terrified, because I had not practiced, my teacher would be upset with me. I must say she sure had a lot of patience with me, because a week after a week I wasn't performing well at all, but she kept coming.

Do you want pressure? This was pressure. My teacher always had a piano recital and to top it off I had to memorize the music. The big night came and I was the third person to play. I peeked through the currents and saw it was very dark and the only light was on the stage. Ms. whatever her name was gave me instruction on how to approach to the piano. I thought she told me to walk around the piano, so and that is what I did. To this day I am sure that is what he said. I went walking on stage and going all the way around the piano. My mother about died.

I got to the piano stool and sat down. Looking at the key board my mind went blank. Since I didn't practice much I really didn't know the song I was to play all the way through. For some reason I knew the first part pretty good but not the last part I didn't know at all, so I did what any American boy would do. I kept playing the first part of the song over and over. When I felt it was time to stop I did and got up and bowed, because that is what Ms. what's her name told me to do.

It was over for another year and I was very relieved. Yes, my mother had me continue taking lessons and old what is her name kept coming to our house for my weekly lesson. Of all the things I have done in life, piano lessons were the most pressure I have ever experienced.

I could give other horror stories, but they would be too painful for me. Just say don't procrastinate all the pain I put myself through would have been relieved with just a little practice. You know what they say Practice makes perfect

Happiness with health and wealth to you



Thursday, September 23, 2010

Procrastination Can Be Very Stressful

My mother loved music and liked playing the piano even more, mom said I needed to take piano lessons. I like music and even liked the piano but I didn't like to practice. You know a kid has to play and that is what I did all week. Then the day of my music lesson I would be terrified because I had not practiced my lesson and I knew my teacher would be upset with me. I must say she sure had a lot of patience, because week after week I wasn't performing well at all, but she kept coming.

Do you want pressure? This was pressure. My teacher always had a piano recital and to top it off you had to memorize the music you were to play. Well the big night came and I was the third person to play. I peeked out through the currents and saw that it very dark and the only light was on the stage. Ms. whatever her name was giving me instruction on how to go to the piano. I thought she told me to walk around the piano and that is what I did. To this day I am sure that is what he said. Well, there I went walking on stage and going all the way around the piano. My mother about died.

I got to the piano stool and sat down. Looking at the key board my mind went blank. Since I didn't practice much I really didn't know the song I was to play all the way through. For some reason I knew the first part pretty good but the last part I didn't know at all, so I did what any American boy would do. I kept playing the first part of the song over and over. When I felt it was time to stop I did and got up and bowed, because that is what Ms. what is her name told me to do.

It was over for another year and I was very relieved. Yes my mother had me continue taking lessons and old what is her name was kept coming to our house for my weekly lesson. Of all the things I have done in life, piano lessons were the most pressure I have ever experienced.

I could give other horror stories but they would be too painful for me. Just say don't procrastinate all the pain I put myself through would have been relieved with just a little practice. You know what they say Practice makes perfect

Happiness with health and wealth to you



Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Staying on top of things

One wonders why some people keep moving ahead, one reason is they say on top of things. They don’t let things keep piling up they have the discipline to get things done when they need to done.

I am not saying you have that problem of letting things get piled up, but it is easy to do. Once you get behind it gets harder to get caught up, so stay on top of things and you life will be less stressful.

Besides being less stressful you will find that you actually get more things done. he reason is you setting priorities and by doing that you find some of the things that you might have been dreading to do, become not as dreadful as you thought. And by getting the things done you were dreading you have more time to tackle other projects.
When we put things off we actually are burning more energy worrying about getting it done than if we actually do putting it off. That might be an encouragement to all of us to attack the things that need to be done first and take the pressure off our self.

Stay on top of things has another benefit. It lets others know that you are dependable person. That also lets them know that they can count on you.

The word get around that you stay on top of things, which means you get things done and done on time.

With this type of reputation you will be known as a winner. People like to be around winners and if you check, you will find they are winners.

You can lose when you’re a winner and those that are around you are winners. This combination helps all reach their goals.

Stay on top of things, be winners.

Happiness with health and wealth to you



Monday, September 13, 2010

Success doesn’t have a magic formula

If your’ looking at the perfect way to have success, it is not there. Every one of us has to find our own way. I am not saying there are certain things that you have to do to achieve success in your life, but there are things if you do will help.

One is to learn what you do best and become the very best at that as you can. By being the very best you will stand out. You won’t have to go around telling other how good you are because they’ll see how good you are and want to be around you so they can learn from you.

Listen and listen some more. I have said this millions of time you learn more from listening than you do from talking. This doesn’t mean that you believe everything you hear, but by listening you get to see more sides of issues, then you can make up your mind.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. As a very smart man once told me, there are no bad questions, but by asking questions, you clarity things so you can have a better understanding. You will also learn things that you might not otherwise have learned.
You build your own success and part of your success has to start with knowing what success means to you. Once you know that you have made a big step forward in the journey of success.

This is not the magic part, but here are some things that might be helpful to you.
Know what you good at and work at getting better at it
Set your success goals and objectives
Create a plan on how your’ going to reach your goals
Have benchmarks that let you know you are on the right track
Review your goals and objective and adjust as needed
Smell the roses along the way

The list could be longer, but if you follow these items you will be on your way to obtaining what you looking for in life. As you can see there is no magic formula, but series of steps that will get you the success you are looking for on your life’s journey.

Happiness with health and wealth to you



Friday, September 10, 2010

Nothing replaces had work

I am not talking about pick and shovel type of work; I am talking about hard work of building you mind. Growing you mind is does take work and the more you grow the mind the more success you can have.

To me learning is rewarding. Being able to apply what I learn is so satisfying. Seeing the results of my labors help to give me the strength to go further.

Putting in the long hours to build a skill, such as using new software, helps me gain the expertise in using the new software. Once learned the software will save me untold hours of time, then I can put those hours to accelerate my quest for learning. The more I know about a subject that I feel is important the more I can use it to achieve my dreams
It can be hard work keeping your body in shape, but it pays many dividends. You will be healthier. You’ll be able to do more strenuous activities. And you will be building your mind. Yes it has been found the better shape you keep you self in the more power you build in your brain.

Friendships are so important. Maintaining and gaining new friends takes work. One you have to understand your friends. All friends are not the same. Some need more time to talk and you listen. Others want to be around you. Still others want to hear your needs, so they can help you.

Like anything in life you get what you put into it. If you put time in building your mind, building your body and building your friendship, you life will be a rich one.

Happiness with health and wealth to you


Monday, September 6, 2010

Building on your success

Look at what you have already succeeded in. That is the first step. Take a personal assessment of your strengths and where you have had success using them.
You should also do and assessment of your weakness. It has long been know that you get more benefit on building on your strength than trying to build on your weaknesses, but it is good to know your weaknesses.

You have to be brutally honest with yourself when assessing you strengths and weaknesses. Once you have completed the assessment, bounce it off a good friend that you trust and have confidence in. If this person is comfortable with you assessment of your strengths and weaknesses you can now move on to build on your strengths to build further success.

You might find that you can build you knowledge base in the areas you can achieve future successes. If you just take 30 minutes a day of study in you chosen area, in 6 months you well know more about your topic for success than 95% of the rest of the world.

Don’t stop learning after six month, but continue to further expand you expertise. Now that you are the expert on this topic, start to let the world know. Create a blog on the topic, twitter about it, create a fan page about on face book and start a letter that helps other stay up to date on you field of expertise.

Ask your friends for assistance and make sure you help them. You will be surprised how many of your fiends want you to succeed.

There are some many for you to let the world know about you and how you can be of help to many. Let you imagination, go then put together a plan on furthering your success

Take your strengths and keep making the next step to your successful journey in life. As Confucius said” you can’t walk a thousand miles without taking the first step.”

Happiness with health and wealth to you


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Boy does time go fast

My grandma told me, when she was in her nineties, as you grow older time goes by faster and faster. I was young and what did I understand. Grandma had more things wrong with her than you can shake a stick at. Even with all her ailments, she told me that every year goes by so fast.

Why do I share that with you, because she was right. I have seen this happening ever sense she told me. There are a lot of reasons for time appearing to keep going by faster.

Here is one example. Micki and I use to go down to the Florida Kay’s most summer weekends. The trip took about two and half yours. When we first started making this trip it seemed to take forever, then as time went on the drive didn’t seem so long.

There is a reason for this and it is getting use to the drive. At first we could see every power poll, every sign, and every light and then as time went on the scenery started to blur and trip didn’t seem very long.

As we travel though our journey of life, many things start looking the same, so our mind passes over time things that we have seen many times, so as we start to get familiar things times seems to shorten.

The point is to takes every advantage of time as you can. Do today what you should do and don’t pass it off to tomorrow. This is because we have only one shut at our journey so we have to take advantage of every bit of time we can.

That brings us to the concept, live in the present. Don’t put of what you can do today. What you do today will help you get to where you want to be tomorrow.
If you want a better tomorrow do as much as you can today. At times it might seem like time is speeding up, but if your’ always challenging you self by doing new thinks, you won’t have the problem of time passing you by.

Slow time down by doing new and more, you’ll get more out of life than you can imagine.

Happiness with health and wealth to you


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happiness in Eight Steps

Filed in About Happiness In 8 Steps, Blog, David/'s Talk, stroies on Aug.31, 2010

By David H. Lindemann

Foreword by Alvan Balent, M.D.

The title of David Lindemann’s book is, “Happiness in 8 Stepsl. live life in Happiness. Why not?”

And why not? Is it too simple to live your life in happiness? Too basic? Perhaps we need to be simple. Perhaps we need to go back to basics. Perhaps with this guide, the cynical negativity of today can dissolve like the words of the unpretentious song, “Don’t Worry, Be Happy!” Using our own plain common sense, we can smile, be polite, do service, take care of our body-mind-spirit, laugh, attract people we like, and in the process become reasonably happy.

“Live life in Happiness. Why not?” Eight steps to happiness. A start, leading away from Ego to the Self, perhaps to realization. Perhaps to the discovery that, “Everyone must figure it out of themselves.” And then perhaps, just to have a better day, every day.

David has discovered some basic truths. Use this simple, yet powerful beginning, and build on his words by adding your own sweet zest in your journey to happiness.

Happiness with health and wealth to you



Thursday, August 19, 2010

Health is more important than wealth?

Out of 1036 people polled 939 voted yes. That is 91% and that a high percentage.
Now let’s look at why people value health so much more than wealth. This so obvious, but I have to say it. Without your health, it is harder to build wealth. When your’ not healthy, you have to spend so much time try to retain you health. Thus, you don’t have time to spend on building your own wealth.

Lets take a different tack. What if we were living in forest hundreds of miles from any even small cities. Having money won’t be that beneficial because you could live off the land. You could clear an area and you the trees you cut down to build a house. Then use the cleared land to grow thing to eat. You could also hunt to give you fresh meat. You could also fish in nearby streams and lakes.

You won’t be of need of a bank. Now I will make this sound simple, because we know there are a lot more things that need to be done, but the ideas are you and your family could survive and had a happy life, if you enjoyed that kind of live.

Now let’s look at reality as it is today in the USA. To survive you need money for you housing, food and clothing. We get that money by working. The work we do is based on our ability to achieve certain tasks. Now we tack that money to cover our living expenses.

Though we want to be healthy, we need wealth to live in this society. As much as health is vital to us there still is a strong need to make money.

Here, is my thought’, as long as we are healthy we don’t think of not being unhealthy, so we spend much of our time gaining wealth. But, when our health starts to fail, our whole mind set changes.

This is when we start to see the value of health. So this is my thoughts, live the healthiest life style as you can. Then work at building wealth and we all know that wealth is so much more that money, its friendships, knowledge and giving.

If you do these things, you’ll be in the 91% and wealth will find its way to you.

Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

There are a lot of ideas how to make or save money

You here these ideas on TV and you must have friends that let you how to make or save money. More than likely they all have some merit, but there seem there is always a gimmick.

Here is one never buy a new car, but buy a low millage used car. The claim is you pay thousand less than a new car from the price of a new car but get all the warranties. That is less the 10 to 12 thousand miles already on the car and the wear and tear on the car.

Then can you really believe the odometer reading? By law it is suppose to be the right millage but who really knows?

There is something else that is missing when you get a pre-owned car and that is the new car smell. They say you can get spray that gives you that smell, but I’ll; believe it when I smell it.

Here is another way to make money use a special credit card and they’ll give you money back. Whose money is this anyways? Let say I charge ten thousand dollar and I get 3% back that would be $300. It sounds good but there has to be a catch.
If you on the Internet you have seen these things “Work from home and earn up to X per day. No sales, no nothing needed just make money day and night”

Here is that latest, become a business owner with the help of a billion dollar company. You have the greatest products to offer you clients. That reminds me of a cabby in Chicago who when driving to the airport told me this story about having his own business. He told me a very smart guy in his neighborhood showed all the neighbors how to have their own business.

Most of the neighbors as well as him thought it was a great idea so they bought some of the products to sell.

Laundry soap or whatever it was, was suppose to be the number on product so everyone loaded up on it.

He said everyone in the neighborhood got out of the business when all their basements and storage areas were filled.

The Cabby told me he still has enough of the laundry product left to last for fifty years and most of his neighbors are in the same bolt.

I asked if he still sells these products and he said no because everyone in neighborhood has years and years of their own supply.

If there is all these way that don’t work then what do you do? Get creative. Become and expert and have people come to you. If some ones tell you they have sure thing. The sure thing is they’ll be walking away with some of your money.

Here is doing it on your own.

Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Being with special people

When your’ with special people it does some positive things to you and here is what it does to me. It makes me feel good. Special people are normally givers in the sense go out of their way to help other.

Normally they have a special gift, meaning they are very good at something and will use that skill to enrich others. These types of special people don’t have to look for friends because everyone is their friend.

We all have special friends and can see the good they do in the world. Maybe we should let them know how much we appreciate what they do. Now they are not looking for fro award and or honors are stolid on them, but I think a comforting word from you would certainly make their day.

Even better ask if you can help them. You see they normally don’t get much help. Even if they say no, it is the intention that is important. One thing you can do and that is to tell other what wonderful things this special person is doing.
Let others know that if the world had more special people like your friend that world would be a much better place. As the story spreads about the wonderful things you special friend is doing there becomes more awareness to the issue and from that more good starts to be done.

It amazing to me how the word of mouth can have such positive impact, now you might say there are a lot of bad things that are said and I’ll agree with you. But, bad things don’t have any staying power and quickly forgotten. Positive things done by special people keep growing and move others to get involved.

When you get involved you become one of those special people and you start making the world a better place

Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

You want to feel good

Today I got a call from Mike, my across the street neighbor. Mike is a man of little word and he was no different on this call. Here is what Mike said “My daughter on our vacation read your book “Happiness in eight steps” and she loved it.”
She would like to meet you. Do you have any time and I said yes. He also let me know that she somehow felt special have an author for a neighbor. I am now having problems keep from my head on.

Yes I have had people let me know that they enjoyed reading it and some have told me that they have read it more than a couple of times, but have my neighbors daughter, Cassie, be so excited made me feel real good.

I went to my office and got Cassie a fresh copy of “Happiness in eight steps” and signed it for her. I have card that have the eight steps on them, so I took some of them along to give her.

I went across the street and knocked on the front door, there was no door bell. I heard Mike’s booming voice say come on in. The door was unlocked so I opened it and walked in.

There was Mike and his daughter setting at the dining room table. Mike motioned to set down, so I did. Cassie just kept looking at me, but didn’t say anything. She had told her Dad, Mike, that she recognized my photo on the back of my book. You see it pay to advertise.

Cassie accepted my book with a big smile. Now she had her own book, signed by me, that she could let her friends read. Cassie also took the cards with the eight steps to happiness on them. She never said a thing she just held the book and smiled.

I left Mikes house a very happy man and hoped my book would have that kind of impact on all those that read it. That would make me feel real good.
Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Rock concert

This was a big one, our grandson Jake, was in his first rock concert. Yes Micki and I were there. Actually it was quite organized. It was supposed to start at 6:00 PM and it started at 6:20 PM. When we would go see Jake’s dad’s concerts if they started two hours late that was good, so we were very happy with them just began 20 minutes late.

Jake’s group played 4 songs. Jake played the drums in two songs, was the leads singer in one and played the base in the last song. He did one of his dad’s tricks and stood on something high and at the end of the last song he jumped down to make a big impression on the crowd and it did. Micki and I held our breath tell he was safely on the ground on two feet.

I recorded the concert with a super duper record, but haven’t listened to it yet. I think I am a little nervous what I’ll hear. I also took some video and more than likely won’t win any awards, but I’ll put it on you tube for everyone to see.

It is hard to be grandparents to a rock star, but I think will learn how to live with it, but we are looking forward to traveling the world on Jake’s private jet.
Ok is just a dream, but dreams are good and who know they might come true.

Tomorrow Jake turns back into a pulling guard in the 100 Lb. tackle football league. Last year his team made to the county super bowl for the 90 Lb. only to lose in the super bowl.

Jake’s Uncle Todd is going to be at Jake’s first game Aug. 7. This is a big deal for Jake because Uncle Todd was an all conference football play in college and Jake wants to be like Uncle Todd.

We don’t know when Jake will have another Rock Concert, but when it does will let you know.

Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I started something, but there is nothing but issues

Today I said I was going to set up Quicken so I can pay bills online. This is supposed to be real easy, for most people, but not for me. First of all I have put off doing this for over a year. Why I don’t know, but I did.
One reason is I thought I was so busy I couldn’t take the time so set Quicken so I could pay on line. Now I must say my schedule is pretty full, but to take an hour of my time are you kidding. Yes I was kidding myself and I admit it, so today I told myself that this was going to be the day to activate Quicken so I could pay bills online.
Everything seemed to go fine. The first thing had to do is selected that bank I was going to use. That worked OK. Then there were questions like where I was born. I know that answer. Then they wanted the name of our first son. There I had a fifty chance because we have two boys and I was pretty sure of his name.
I passed that part of the questioning. I was feeling real good. Know I was asked to create a user ID. I wanted to make sure I had a real good user ID so I spent some time thinking about it. Finally the light went on in the old brain and decided on a user ID.
Now I was asked to create a password. You know passwords are very important so I put the old brain to work. I first wrote down about five. I did this where no one good see them. I then narrowed the password selection down to three and then to two ads finally I chose the password that I thought would be hard to break, but easy for me to remember.
Now it asked me to sign up so I started. It said go to, so that is what I did. Then the issues started coming. A Big sign poppet up on the screen that said retry. So I retried and retried.
I am now at wits end I called the help number. After having to push one for that and two for this, I got to a real human. When I told him my problem and told me if I go to all my problems are over.
Will it didn’t quite work out that way. I couldn’t get to and that was after several attempts, so it was back to help. Now I had to go through the same thing, push this and then that. Finally I got a human. I told the human my issues and he asked what browser I was using. I told him and he said we have been having problems with that one so try another, which I did, still but no
Back to help, I won’t go through the push button stuff now I am telling this person my issue, after a fairly long pause I was told the there is problem with that web site, but it should be up in running in a hour.
You know something I am going to stop and pour myself a glass of wine and call it quits for today.

Happiness with health and wealth to you


Saturday, July 10, 2010

The friend that knows everything

Here is your friend that knows everything. All you have to do is say anything and I mean anything and that knows it all will be all over you like sweat on a soma wrestler. You just made their day because you said you know something and they are out to prove you wrong.

Your statement could have been as simple as "isn’t it a nice day.” You will find out from your know it all friend that it is an absolutely terrible day and hear it in great detail. Not only will you find out that it is a terrible day but tomorrow is going to even worse.

It doesn’t stop there. You will find out that there are some people in high places that are plotting to take over our lives and they are at this very minute taking our money to use to promote their cause of world domancies
The know it all type has a special time to come out of the closet. Late into a partly they’ll be in what looks like a pleasant conversation, then all of a sudden it happens they start telling the people they are talking with that they have the answers to what the world needs and then keeps repeating it. If anyone dare question this person that is if they can get a word in edgewise, they are summarily dismissed as you don’t’ know anything?

I have noticed that the know it all types know more after a couple of drinks. After couple more drinks even Einstein wouldn’t know everything they know. There is no way to stop the know it all type, so just let the event pass and try not to be around this person again.

The know it all type had another trait. When you are doing something and this person barges in and start to do or fix what you here working on. They make it sound like they have done this thousands of times, so don’t worry. Worry you should, because more than likely whatever it was they tried to help you wilt will never work again. They normally leave in a huff saying that your screwed it up before they had a chance to fix it.

The only way to stop these types is to stand up, grab their arm and say “We’re going out for drink.”

Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The 4th of July is special

If you didn’t see it the History Channel had a special review of the start of the United States of America. It had so many things that I never knew about what our founder went through to start our most wonderful country.

We all think as George Washington was the father of our country, but what shows up in this History Channel presentation is with how his wisdom there would not be the United States today.

George had to a lead an army without money. The congress wanted him to kick out the British but time after they refused to fund his army. It is truly is a miracle that we won that war. For whatever reason, some very smart and dedicated people, we are now the most dynamic and bountiful country in the world.

On the 4th of July we celebrate the birth of our great nation. Part of the celebration is fireworks and on4th of July evening Micki and I watched the Macy’s 4th fireworks on New York City.

The fireworks last longer than any fireworks I have ever seen and along with some our most patriotic music. What was different than most fireworks display is they had five or six firing location in the harbor all synced together firing off identical display. Along with that they seem to have all this great music blended with the fireworks.

When I saw this display and heard the fantastic music chills went up and down my spine. Then the audience was being paned by the TV cameras. Everyone was really into it, from the little kids to Grandma and Grandpa. What was especially heart warming was when they paned in on our military personnel. They were all beaming with pride and singing their hearts out.

If you weren’t proud to be an American after viewing the marvelous presentation then you shouldn’t be an American. That might sound harsh, but what our ancestors did so we could have the most wonderful country in the world, but that is the way I feel.
So let’s all go out let everyone know that we live in the best country in the world and we should all to do what it takes to keep it that way.
Let’s make the 4th of July every day.

Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Friday, July 2, 2010

It is funny how things happen

Have you ever thought about someone and without any planning they call you. For whatever reason that happens to me a lot, or I’ll be thinking of something Micki and I could do tonight and out of the blue she says why don’t we do this, which is the same thing I was thinking about.

If I knew how these things worked I would not only be genius but a millionaire many times over, but I don’t know why these things happen and no one else does either.

I am willing to give a shot of why I think these things might happen. One might be that our mind sends out, let’s say radio signals, and that the whole universes can pick them up. As my theory goes those that know you and or are close to you, without their knowing, pick up the signal. The signal plants your thought in their brain and the rest is history. How about that for a theory?

You see it is known that our brain does sent out signals, so just maybe, just maybe others can pick them up.

Now I am not out of theories. How about because we know a person and have spend so much time with them that we start to know how they think, thus we without even tryin, come up with the same thought. Like when Micki came home a said let got to The Saga for dinner and that was what I was going to suggest that we should do.
Maybe is just happened and my theories had nothing to do it. That might be the case, but for some reason I think it more than something just happening.

No matter what causes these events, they do happened and happen more often than we think. You know it is funny how things happen.
Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Thursday, July 1, 2010

A special lady in Connecticut

I met her husband first, though she worked for the family company first. If I told you the story how my mom and dad hired her you won’t believe it. It was in 1952 and my mom and dad realized to grow the business they needed a present in the East Coast.

I can still remember the day they left to go to Ct. Bud they guy who was going to be the East Coast salesmen showed up at your house with his car loaded with inventory. My mom and dad’s car was loaded down also. Can you believe that they did not know where they were going to unload the inventory?

They knew that the wanted to be in the Hartford area so that is where they got a motel. Mom and dad got a local paper and started look for a place to rent. They found this place on Park Road in West Hartford. It was small but that was all they needed.

Now it was to find a girl Friday to work in the office. Here was the ad my mom put in the local paper. “Looking for a middle aged woman with children grown and needs a full time job.”

Our special lady answered the ad, there was a problem she wasn’t middle aged and still had two girls in school. She applied anyways and her and my mother hit it off.

The rest is history. This wonderful lady worked for our company for over four decades and I must say did a fantastic job. What else happened is my mom and dad hired her husband a year later.

They became family to me and Micki. Though her husband has passed away we still keep in contact with this wonderful lady. She comes to Florida in the winter and we always want to go visit with her.

If the world had more people like our wonderful person from Connecticut the world would be a much better place.

Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Saturday, June 26, 2010

What did you say?

Yes I have a hearing problem and at times it can cause a few laughs. On my Dad’s side of the family there is a history of bad hearing, so I come by the hearing problem genetically. However, there is even another reason.

I was in ROTC in college, not because I was that patriotic, but because Eastern Michigan University was a land grant college and every red blooded American male student was required to take two years of ROTC.

One of the things you had to do in ROTC, if you were in the advanced corp. , was to fire a M-1 rife for record, of which I did. It was a hot spring day in Michigan and everyone, including me, wanted to get the shooting over with. To make that happen, instead of having the shooters 20 feet apart we where put 5 feet apart and in those days there was no hear protection.

You guessed it all I heard for the next 3 weeks was ringing. I didn’t want to tell the Army of my problem, so I went to my family Doctor and he prescribed something that would stimulate the blood flow in my ear. After a few weeks the ringing went away, but that was too late for hearing what was going on in my course lectures. As you might thing I had my worse grades in my college career that semester.

Some years later I had a very sour throat and went to a eye, nose and throat doctor. It didn’t take him long to tell me that I had a bad hearing problem and should consider a hearing aid.

The hearing aid worked good and I finally knew what people were saying. One person had a problem with it at first and that was Micki, my wife. You see she liked to make remarks to me about what I was doing and at times they could be pretty snide, but it didn’t bother me, because I didn’t hear them until I got the hearing aid.
When I told Micki that I could hear her snide remarks, she said “I am not sure I am going to like the hearing aid. “ She did find a way around me hearing he remarks. Either she would turn on the garbage disposal or put her head in the refrigerator.

Now I am at an age that my friends hearing have started to weaken. When you around us and listen to us you can get some healthy laughs.

Here is how our conversation may sound like. Mike tells me that it is windy today! I answer by saying “No, it Thursday. And Doug says.”So am I ! Let’s have a beer!
As you can see we are all at the point where we have to say “What did you say.”

Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Getting excited

You would be excited to. Have you ever wanted to start a project and for whatever reason it took longer to get started than you thought. But when you finally got started things started to happen. Well that has happened to me.

“Dump the Grump” the new book I am writing has been laying around in the old brain for over six months. It seemed that I just couldn’t get started and I have a reason for that and I call it “crystallization”. What crystallization is letting your subconscious work for you.
Some time when we try to hard the brain gets locked up, so that is when It time to quit instead of trying to force the issue and put project on hold. Will that is what I did with “Dump the Grump”. Then things started to percolate and the ideas started flying.

The purpose of the book is now clear in my mind and I am now able to start to put the outline together and start to write. You bet I am excited because this is going to a book that will make you laugh, cry and help you rethink how you do things.

Changing things for the good really is what is important to me. If I only help one person that reads “Dump the Grump” and they make positives changes in their life, that would make me feel good because I touched some in a positive way.

“Dump the Grump” gets people to laugh when I tell them the title and that is good, because laughing is so good for us. In the book“ Dump the Grump” you should get some good laughs and this healthy.

When reading “Dump the Grump” you might do some interpersonal evaluation of your life style and that is good also. We are never too old to make positive changes in our lives. It is now known that our mind can continue to grow and expand forever by working it. No more do we have to say we can’t learn new thing, but what we should say I don’t know that yet but I will.

This fall when you read my book “Dump the Grump” you will get some laughs, some ideas on how to be more positive, and how all this will give you happiness which builds health In your life.

Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


You have friends and I have friends like this. Here is my story of some special friends. We play golf every Wednesday. Each one of is as different as night and day.

Let’s start out that we are not great golfers and at times each of us thinks we could be good if only a little more practice, like if I could only putt better or I am not good around the greens or if I could hit the ball longer and straighter. I think you get the idea.

Here we are every Wednesday playing golf together and at time we can be bickering about nothing or something that has no real importance.

Do over’s are not in the rules of golf, but you will hear that term from time to time in our foursome. A do over is usually used when whoever was trying to hit that little white ball and it doesn’t go where the hitter wants it to go, so they call for a do over. What is funny in many cases the do over is worse the original shot.

Enough about do over’s let get to the real funny stuff. One of the guys, who I’ll leave nameless, will bring up a rule in golf and another, who will also be nameless, will say that he doesn’t think that is right and the discussion begins. At times it can get to be more than a discussion. If I am not involved I will find the discussion funny, but when I am involved it’s a different story.

Each one of us has our own way of describing our bad shots. Me I can but a little extra action in my disgust by pounding my club in the ground a few times. One of my other partners always gives himself a verbal beating for doing something wrong, or how about the” how I could do that.” This is precious, when one of that not to named guy misses a putt he’ll say I got robbed and I’ll say if you put in the center of the cup it would have gone in.

As you can see I am no saint when playing golf, but once it over it’s over. The four of set down in the nineteenth hole and have a drink and most cases it is Ice tea. Then we pour over the what if’s and realized if we were a little bit better we really could have had a good round.

When you have true fiends no matter what happens you always remain friend.

Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What is a grump?

How about the room cheers up when he leaves? Some people might call a grump a grouch. Others might see a grump as a complaining type of person. Would being eccentric qualify as grump? That is for you decide. As you can see there are lots’ of way to be a grump.

If a person was being positive at the top of their lungs and being absolutely wrong, it that a grump? A grump manager is like a seagull because when he barges in he makes a lot of noise, dumps over everything and then moves out.

Grumps can be real pains in butt, like this one I am going to tell you about. She is at party and it’s getting late. The group has thinned out and she talking with a couple people. It doesn’t matter the subject but all of a sudden she is the expert and lets everyone know it, besides that if you don’t agree with her she tell you don’t know anything.

Here is one that uses to frost me, but know that I am more aware I just let it roll off my back. The situation is your doing something and the, I’ll call this person a grump, steps in starts doing whatever you were doing and in reality they don’t know how to do it and screw everything up. What I do in that type of situation is walk away and count to ten.

If you can see there is pattern starting to develop. Most people either don’t like grumps and or are greatly annoyed by them. So they try to avoid them. That is too bad because some grumps are very good at s some things, like clear thinking. The problem is it hard to stay around them long enough to hear the results of their clear thinking.

There is so much more that I will be telling you about grump, so stay tuned.

Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people