Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Staying on top of things

One wonders why some people keep moving ahead, one reason is they say on top of things. They don’t let things keep piling up they have the discipline to get things done when they need to done.

I am not saying you have that problem of letting things get piled up, but it is easy to do. Once you get behind it gets harder to get caught up, so stay on top of things and you life will be less stressful.

Besides being less stressful you will find that you actually get more things done. he reason is you setting priorities and by doing that you find some of the things that you might have been dreading to do, become not as dreadful as you thought. And by getting the things done you were dreading you have more time to tackle other projects.
When we put things off we actually are burning more energy worrying about getting it done than if we actually do putting it off. That might be an encouragement to all of us to attack the things that need to be done first and take the pressure off our self.

Stay on top of things has another benefit. It lets others know that you are dependable person. That also lets them know that they can count on you.

The word get around that you stay on top of things, which means you get things done and done on time.

With this type of reputation you will be known as a winner. People like to be around winners and if you check, you will find they are winners.

You can lose when you’re a winner and those that are around you are winners. This combination helps all reach their goals.

Stay on top of things, be winners.

Happiness with health and wealth to you

http:// www.happinesswithwealth.com



E-mail www.dhalind@gmail.com

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