Studies now show that we can keep on learning no matter what your age. So who cares? We should all care? By continually learning the world becomes a wonderful place.
People today more than ever have to continue to keep pace with our changing world. Example having a PC was a very big deal 15 years ago. Today we carry devices that can fit in our pockets that our more powerful that the PC of 15 years ago.
Just like physical activity keeps your body in shape, keeping you mind active keeps you mind in shape. Manually adding numbers help keeps the mind in shape. Anything that works you brain is good.
By keeping your mind active it gains in mental strength or putting it another way use it or lose it and who want t lose it. Playing card, doing cross word puzzles or anything that challenges your mind helps build your mind.
My Dad was writing programs for is PC in dos when he was in his 80’s and a friend of mine, who is in his mid 80’s, is still consulting and is in great demand.
Learning is something we never have to stop doing. The great thing is there so much for us to learn. By learning new thing our lives become so much richer. We can accept change better, which helps relive life’s tension.
Do one thing each day that works your mind. By doing that you mind will forever expand and allow you to continue to grow. What is wrong with that? When you constantly learn new things and keep you mind active you enjoy more of the things that are going on around you.
Don’t let anyone tell you are too old to learn, because they are wrong. Keep your mind active and your life’s journey will be good one.
Happiness with health and wealth to you
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E-mail www.dhalind@gmail.com
David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people
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