To me is very simple, I love being happy. I loved being happy so much I started studying happiness. That prompted me to write my first book “Happiness in 8 Steps”. It is book everyone should read. It is book that takes you on the journey on how to improve happiness in your life.
Many of those that have read “Happiness in 8 Steps” have told me it has so many things that they knew, but didn’t practice in their everyday living.
Here are the 8 steps and you can decide.
One is to smile, everyone likes a smile. Two is to show gratitude everyone likes a thank you. Three giving, when you give of yourself you are truly giving. Four is being healthy, being healthy makes life more fulfilling. Five is stay in shape that helps with having good health. Six is being around people you love that make life worth living. Seven laugh, laughing does so many good things you and others. Eight live your life in the present, that past is the past and you can’t change it and future is but to come.
There is a lot more to happiness and that is what I have found out in my studies. Being grump is not being happy I and wrote a book on the “ Dump the Grump” it will be in print early January.
Happiness builds health is something else I found in my studies. Part of building your personal health is to understand you self and others. Why is that important, because by better understanding you self and others you greatly reduce your personal stress. Stress is hard on you immune systems. When your immune systems aren’t working will it is easier to get sick.
I became an expert on happiness because I saw such a need for people to raise their level of happiness and by doing that they can improve the quality of their life.
Happiness with health and wealth to you
http:// www.happinesswithwealth.com
E-mail www.dhalind@gmail.com
David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people
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