It is so easy at times to see all the bad things in the world. The question is can we control them? I think not, but let’s look at all the good things that are going around us daily.
Three weeks ago Micki, my wife, had knee surgery. It was more painful that she thought, but after two and half week things have gotten a lot better. The good thing is she is driving and insists on using here Porsche.
Just having her back doing the things she likes to do is enough to be thankful for. But there is more. Skip our oldest son last Wednesday had major hip surgery. The doctors said he should have full recovery, but he is going to have to take it slow recovery. For a guy who does triathlons not being super active will be a real strange.
Skip has gone through other things such shoulder reconstruction, three vertebrae frozen together plus knee and other body reconstruction. Ship was baseball player and has gone through all of this. Todd our youngest son played tackle football from the age of eight through four year of college and has never seen the inside of a hospital, except to see his brother.
We are told that both Micki and Skip are going to be as good as new and that’s a lot to be thankful for. But there is more. Our Dallas son, Todd, came in for Thanksgiving which a special treat.
Todd got to see Skip and being their not only brothers but good friends that was a good lift for Skip.
2011 is going to a GREAT year because we have everyone healthy. My new book will be out and I am looking forward to telling the story of Dump the Grump.
If you would like me to speak to you group E-mail me at http://www.david@davidlindemann.com
Happiness with health and wealth to you
http:// www.happinesswithwealth.com
E-mail www.dhalind@gmail.com
David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people
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