Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Love every body
In a recent article by Jack and Suzy Welch they were asked by recent college graduates how do deal with getting a job in these most difficult times.
If you want to find the article, it is in Business Week June 28th issue. Their articles are always on the last inside page and they are called “The Welchway”.
The article is called “Dear Gradate (Crisis Version)”. Here are some of their thoughts.
This one they gave three years ago and they feel it is still important. They said “The way to get ahead is to over deliver”. But with today’s loosely economic conditions they have added some new thoughts.
One is to get off the computer and go out a meet people. Let people know who you are and what you can do.
Second and they said this might sound old fashion, but remember you have to pay your dues if you want to get ahead.
Third they say with all seriousness, love everybody, because we live in a culture that is full of criticism, we tend to lot look at the less successful and give them no respect. Respect all people, if you don’t it can come and bite you in the back end.
Listen to everyone because of whatever their status they could help you in way you might not even know.
Lastly they said if you’re a business school graduate be proud of it. You don’t have to apologize for wanting to go into business. Business is what has made this country great and don’t let people forget it.
There have always been those that abuse the system and at the moment a lot have fallen in the business world. In reality these things happen in all sectors of our economy and guess what those that have done wrong are paying the price for their wrong doings.
We all have to learn from the past and move on. If you remember one thing love everyone because you don’t know who can help you. It will also make life’s experience wonderful.
Happiness with Wealth to you
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem
Monday, June 29, 2009
It is time to get started
Do you find it hard at times to get started? Here are some tips that may help you.
Look at all the good things that will happen once you get started. You house will be cleaner; you can see the top of your deck because you cleaned it, and you will feel better because you have accomplished something.
Just so you know it take as much or more energy to put of things off as is does t do them, so go do them and have more energy for the things you want to do.
There are those that like to lie in bed much longer than necessary, thus wasting valuable time. Now I am in no way saying you have to spend every waking minute doing something that is productive, but that might not be a bad idea.
Relaxing is something we all need to do. It is important because it helps you settle your mind, so when we start to attack a project we are refreshed and have the mental energy to be make it a success.
If you notice I use the word success a lot. The reason is without successes you are not achieving things and that is not good.
When you have successes it gives you inter strength to do even more things that help make your life more rewarding. The rewards I am talking about are not the things you hang on your wall or put on your deck.
I am talking about the rewards that you gain inside you, and they gives you more energy to go out and accomplish more. And that is whatever you feel is important to you and society.
The longer you wait to get started, the longer it will be till you achieve the result you are looking for.
So, isn’t it time to get started?
Happiness with Wealth to you
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem
Sunday, June 28, 2009
There is a birthday here
Today is my birthday and as my Dad said it is better to have them than not. So I am going to enjoy the day.
I must say I actually started the celebration last night. Micki and went to Morton’s Steak House. It is a great place. The service is exceptional as well as the food. I didn’t have a steak but a salmon and their special crab cakes for an appetizer.
We got home watched a little baseball and called it a night. Unfortunately our Marlins lost in the ninth inning.
Got up and got Micki some fountain Coke at 7-11. Then took and nice walk, worked out and stretched. Now I am ready for the day.
Did a podcast about my birthday, which I talked about how this is good time take stock of yourself. I looked at my past and felt so thankful to have been brought up in such a wonderful family. Then I thought how blessed I am been with Micki and the boys and their families.
At the present I have been doing a lot to help other. The Broward College Foundation, that works to give students and faculty financial help.
Then there is A Child Is Missing that is constantly working to assist law enforcement to find missing children and seniors.
Also, I am working on my marketing plan to further distribute my book “Happiness in Eight Steps.”
The future has so much opportunity for me. My partners and I are working on a grant the will train people in today’s technology. I am developing a talk and workshop that will marry technology, transition and happiness to help improve the lives of so many.
Not to let any grass grow under my feet, I have start on my next book. I don’t have a title yet, but it will be about how happiness is a stepping stone to your success.
For all you make every day your birthday, because every day is the first day of your new life.
Happiness with Wealth to you
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem
Saturday, June 27, 2009
It is more than the first step
Confucius said” It takes the first step to walk a thousand miles” and that is correct. You know Confucius was a very brilliant man. What he must have said after that is you have to keep taking more steps to make it a thousand miles.
Let just say that at the end of the thousand miles was your dream or a pot of gold. To get there you have to keep walking and that is the way it is in life.
First you have to have a goal that is worthy of taking all the steps to reach a thousand miles. That is for you to decide. You now have this overriding goal so what does it take to get there?
You need to have a plan to get there and then you have to take action to make it happen. Just thinking about your goal is not going to get you there. There is where the constant moving forward comes in.
If every day you move closer to you goal you are making progress. Will I am talking about progress toward you goal, but it is not the only objective. The experience of the journey of reaching you goal is just as important.
One of my goals is to continue to improve my happiness with Micki. This is not hard when you have a partner that makes life a wonderful experience. But I do consider it a worthy goal.
I whole point here is to constantly move toward you goal. This is not a sprint but a marathon. Like the tortes and the rabbit. The tortes just kept slowly moving to the finish line and because it didn’t lose focus on it goal it got there.
This is how we have to be.
We can’t lose focus and have to constantly work toward our goal. This doesn’t sound too hard and it really isn’t.
To make it toward your goal it takes another step every day. You might not get to the original goal because on the journey you found a worthier goal and that’s OK.
The most important thing is that you have to keep advancing toward your goal.
Having a plan is critical, so spend some time to develop a plan that will get you to your goal.
Remember it is not just the first step, but all the following steps that you take that gets you the thousand miles.
Happiness with Wealth to you
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem
Friday, June 26, 2009
Building a reserve
Having reserve is good whether it is money or good things you have done for others. What do I mean good things you have done for others?
It is actually real simple, the more good things you do for others you’re your account grows with the person that you done the good things for. . Now when you need some special needs from that person you have build a positive account with them so they are more than likely want to pay you back.
You will find is so much easier to have others help you when you have accumulated a good balance of good things you have done for them.
It is easy. All you have to be is good to others and when they have a time of need help them. The dividends that you will get from you actions will help you so much in life.
Just think you will have people wanting to help you and they will be doing it because they like you. What is wrong with that?
Recently I was with a friend in Dallas and he remarked how Texans really make you feel comfortable. I must say I have found that where ever I have been. Smile, say thank you, and extend a helping hand and you will have more friends than you can ever imagine.
It is a simple recipe, be nice to others and they’ll be nice to you. Why not have others wanting to be around you and willing to give a helping hand.
So building a reserve is not hard at all and the rewards make you life such a pleasant one. As the old ad said’ “Try it you’ll like it”.
Happiness with Wealth to you
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Nice people are nice to be around
When your around nice people don’t you feel good? I do. So what does it take to be a nice person?
Lets start with people that are like you. Don’t you feel comfortable with people that like the things you like? It is so easy to talk with them because you have something in common. When our boys get around people that like sport they just get so excited. They start swapping sport stories. Within a short time you would think they where friends for years and then you find out they just met the person.
How about when you are in a public place and someone near you start laughing and you can see the reason for the laughter you might join in the laughter?
Micki and I where in the number 2 train station in Tokyo, and saw these to families approaching one another the two men made a very deep bow. In Japan the deeper the bow the more respect one another have for the other.
Will these two men must have had a great deal of respect for one another, because the bows were not only deep but also fast. There was one problem they where to close to each other. You guest it there head had a pretty violent collision. They both staggered backward.
Instead of them being in shock they started laughing. Then there family started laughing. Micki and I where twenty-five feet away so we had a good view of the blows and we just had to laugh with the families.
What a sight two families laughing in the middle of busy train station along with Micki and I. We couldn’t speak Japanese and they couldn’t speak English, but all of us understood that we just experience a very funny event. We all smiled at one another and for some reason it seems be had become friends.
Yes, nice people are nice to be around.
Happiness with Wealth to you
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem
Monday, June 22, 2009
What’s going to happen today
We might have a plan what we are going to do today and many times that is what happens. But, there are days that most unexpected happens.
Example, Micki and I where going over to some friends and out of the blue we got a call from some other friends we haven’t seen in ages. Will all our best-laid plans just got changed. Of course we called our friends that we were to visit and told them what happened and they told us ”we can come over next week, have a good time with you old buddies”
Yes we did have a great time with our old friends. They told us that the trip they where on happened just twenty-four hours ago. There friends had this cruise planed but something happened and couldn’t go, so that’s where our friends came in and bought the cruise tickets from their friends and here they where at our house waiting to take the cruise.
Two things happened, we didn’t expect to see our out of town friends that day and they didn’t plan on taking a cruise. Though these things weren’t planned we all had a wonderful time.
When the unexpected happens it is best to go with the flow. My reasoning is what happens, happens for a reason. So if you fight what’s happening you only makes yourself miserable.
So many things happen in our lives that are not planned and for what ever reason most times they happen for the best.
You can probably tell a hundred or more time things happened that weren’t planned, but turned out to make for a good day.
Lets go back to ”go with the flow.” When we resist things that are happening we are excreting a lot of energy that will be wasted. It is much better to accept what is happening because in reality it is going to happen anyways
Go with the flow and enjoy it, your life will be much more enjoyable.
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem
Saturday, June 20, 2009
What you learn from watching
It is incredible how much you and learn when you stand back at watch what is going around you. I doesn’t matter where you are there is so much to see and learn.
It is like when that person passes you pulls up in front of you and makes a turn. When you look behind you there is not a car but this person had to get in front of then slow down and turn
What I have learned by watching this happen many times is not let it bother me. Yes some years ago it would have made my blood bowl, but not today.
Why the transformation, will I have observed that I wouldn’t have much further ahead even if the person didn’t cut in front of me and then slow down and turn. So why have it make my day a little worse, instead I don’t let it bother me and my day goes on in much more pleasantly.
Now this might not seem like a big deal, but Micki it is. Now I don’t get upset with this person, whom I don’t know, but continue on may way with out the frustration of frustrating Micki. I most say that make everyone have a better day.
Watching and learning is as natural as falling off a bridge. If you pay attention you will learn some things that can help you make your life a much better one.
One of the things about people turning in front of me then slowing to turn that was so disturbing to me is they were taking my space and time. Part of the watching is observing your self.
A big part of watching and learning is look at yourself and honesty evaluates some of your actions that cause you frustration.
Watching others is like looking in the mirror at times. When you see things in others that bother you, take the time so see if you might be doing the same things.
Lastly no matter what your age it is never to late watch and learn.
Happiness with Wealth to you
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem
Friday, June 19, 2009
Something wonderful happened
Yes wonderful things happen and you don’t even have to work for them. One of those wonderful things is being around ones you love.
Mia and Sawyer, our two grand daughters fit the bill to a T. It has been a year sense we last saw them. It is amazing how much they have grown in a year, but what is even more impressive is how they have matured.
For an eleven and nine year olds they actually listen and responded in positive ways. When Micki ask them to be back to the room in one hour, they showed up exactly in one hour.
The day continued to be one of fun and enjoyment. Though one game even tired out Mia. How this game worked is she had to find all these clues in the Hotel. That meant climbing out and down eight stories several times. All Mia said when we got the last clue on the eight floor was ”g
Sawyer impressed me with her reading skill. For a nine year old she has a vocabulary of an adult. Both girls can do multiple tasks simultaneously. To watch them play some computer game, select and order lunch all the time watching TV.
Why something happened wonderful? Will to be around these girls has given me faith that there will be good and glowing future.
If you get a chance spend some time to visit with our youth. You might find out like I have is they will make something happened wonderful to make this a better world.
Happiness with Wealth to you
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Up, up and away
Up, up and away to visit our son and grand daughter. With almost three millions flying you would think I would know what to do. Wrong.
First thing is I didn’t take my laptop out of my case. That is a big no, no. So I got over that. Had to put my shoes and belt back on than off to the Crown Room. It is not the Crown Room any more, but the Sky Room. At least that’s what I think.
There was hardly anyone in there, so I thought there would be a lot of room on the plane. Wrong again. The planes were packed both from Ft. Lauderdale to Atlanta and then from Atlanta to Dallas. There was not an extra seat.
Micki and I tried a new game plan for seating. Instead of setting right next to one another we both had in aisle seats next to each other. I must say it worked out real will.
We are now in Dallas, actualy it is Grapevine, at the Great Wolf Lodge. We are here because our son said he girls would have ball. I must say so far they are completely enjoying Great Wolf Lodge.
It is an inside and outside water park with all the trimmings. The indoor water park is over one hundred thousand square feet and six stories height. There is a big wave pool, kitty’s pool and others for what ever flouts you mind.
There is something that I have never seen before. You buy a waned and the park staff program it with you information. Then there are things to search for. I don’t understand it, but the girls do. It has kept them busy for hours and that hasn’t counted the time in the water parks.
You don’t have to worry about losing your room key, because it is part of your security ban that is strapped to you wrist.
We haven’t been here for a whole day I am already exhausted.
I’ll feel you on the up, up and away journey the next time.
Happiness with Wealth to you
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
What is there new?
That sounds like a dumb question and it are but there are people who don’t want to deal with new things. Let’s look back at bathtubs seventy five year ago less than fifty percent of households have them.
Or look at some of my more mature friends, they won’t have a computer in their house let alone use it. They were the ones who fought TV because what was wrong with radio.
Some people just miss a lot. Today with the internet the world is at your finger tips. The events that happened after Iran’s election were all over twitter, but the regular news didn’t even know what was really going on.
That is just a little of what is happening. Two years ago twitter.com was not even around, but today it has become a great tool to get and learn information fast.
Who knows what is coming next but for sure it will come and it will have a major impact on how we live. I am sorry but I have no ideas what the next big change will be, but as sure as I am setting here it will happen.
It wasn’t too many years ago people didn’t know what the CD drive should be used for except playing music. Now it is a basic part of every computer. You can store data on CD’s, make and play DVD’s, besides so many other things.
The question today is not only what is new but how to use it way beyond what it was originally thought to be used for. Technology is one thing but the innovation that is developed because of it is even more impressive.
So for all of us that are technology junkies it is great times. We can learn more in an hour that it took us thirty years ago in day or more. Now we have to get better at sorting out what is that we need to know and not just know something for the sake of knowing it.
It wouldn’t go back to the GOOD OLD DAYS, because I want to know what is new and learn how to use it, so I can have more enjoyable life.
Happiness with Wealth to you
And: http://www.lindemannletters.comPodcast:
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The neighborhood
What is a neighborhood? How about this for a definition of a neighborhood, it is where families live close to one another and become like family.
In my lifetime have lived in several neighborhoods and there was always a strong bound with the neighbors. There is one neighborhood that we, meaning Mick, Skip and Todd, lived that was the most special of all.
You see the neighborhood had a name, Seventh Street Rule. There were six boys that grew up on Seventh Street and to this day are very special friends.
A story is worth a thousand words. This neighborhood had a park and besides our house the park was the place to be. Beginning the six boys that played every sport you could imagine.
Here is how the boys operated. They would start at our house watching some sporting event, but that was too passive for them so they would go to the park and play that sport. Would they turn off the TV NO.? So as went through the rec. room I would turn off the TV. Then some timse latter as I curised through the rec. room again the TV would be on.
It wasn’t till years later did find out the answer. The answer was they would send someone back to our house, normally Bobby, to check on the game and report back with the score.
These six boys grow up together and had more fun than a barrel of penguins. I must say they were very good boys, but did give all the parents some interesting challenges.
Fast forward and it is twenty years after Todd graduated from high school. Of course he is going to attend their reunion even though he lives in Dallas. He and his three girls plus his friend and her two girls drove to Ft. Lauderdale, in a big Suburban.
Todd asked his brother Skip if he could use his house for a party before the reunion. Not only did Todd’s friends and kids show up but Skip’s friends there kids came as will as many of the parents. A great time was had by everyone.
Now Micki and I are looking forward to Todd’s thirtieth reunion.
Happiness with Wealth to you
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem
Monday, June 15, 2009
Ever improving
You know they have found out if you keep active, use your mind and be around people, your mind will not degenerate but a continue to expand. So why did it take researchers so long to find this out? I guess it doesn’t matter because those that are active, keep the mind busy, and are very social have always known this.
What my point? My point is a key element in growing the mind, is to use it. So now when you put in some new software in your computer not only are you improving how you can use your computer but are growing your own personal computer, your mind.
Last Saturday we had one of the best workshops I have ever attended and I have attended hundreds. Kristin J. Arnold was the presenter, if you ever get a chance to be part of her workshop do it. I tell you this is because these type of events are some of the betters way to keep the mind growing.
The workshop started exactly at 9:00 AM and ended at 4:15 PM with a break in the morning, afternoon, and lunch. The rest of the day was a fast pace learning experience.
When I got home I was so excited to start you use the things she taught us, but at the same time I felt like I ran marathon because my mind had been so active learning new things.
From this workshop I have enough mental exercise to keep me going for months, which means the old noodle will be getting stronger and stronger.
With the mental challenges along with exercising and constantly being involved in so social situation I might end up with a super mind. Ok I am getting a little carried away, but one thing for sure I’ll be ever improving my mind and body.
Happiness with Wealth to you
http://www.happineswithwealth.com And:
Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem
Friday, June 12, 2009
Helping the cause
A couple of week ago A Child Is Missing had it 7th Annual Golf Tournament, at one of the most beautiful Country Clubs in South Florida, Grande Oaks Golf Club.
These types of events are a lot of fun and everyone is in a happy mood, so this makes for a memorable day and it was for my wife, Micki who won the putting contest. Yes! She sunk a forty foot putt to win. Now I have to live with her for the next year knowing she is the “top putter” in the family.
I look at it as a real honor to have a wife that is a champion. When we play together I let her “make” all the long putts.
When you support a volunteer group you are doing so much more than you think. In the case of A Child Is Missing, you are helping them make a big step to help law enforcement everywhere find missing children and the elderly.
I’ll be brief but I have to tell you. A Child Is Missing is the conduit between law enforcement and the public. When 911 is notified that little Suzy is missing they call local law enforcement agency, which in turns calls A child Is Missing with a description of Suzy and her last known location.
This is when A Child Is Missing goes into action. They check the last location on their satellite mapping program. With the zip code they get the phone numbers in the area that Suzy was last seen. Then like magic they can make one thousand alert calls a minute with the description of the missing and a number to call if they see Suzy.
To this day there has been over five hundred and twenty five Suzy’s/elderly successfully recover because of A Child Is Missing Alert Program.
To help the cause please writes your Senator and I’ll make it easy. E-mail me at david.happinessineightsteps.com and I’ll email you a letter with all the information for your Senator.
Go to www.achildismissing.org you can read why we need your support. If the Senate passes the bill to support A Child Is Missing, we will be saying we now have ten thousand safe recoveries.
Thank you for helping your community to be a safer place to live.
Happiness with Wealth to you
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I need some help
You have had many years of experiences which can help me with my new research project. What I am looking for is your experiences in dealing with major transitions in your life.
With things in this world happening so fast, we all have to adapt quicker to our environment. At this moment I am particularly looking for how you have transitioned a business from what it was to what it is today, however tell me any major live transition, it will be helpful in learning how people deal with a changing environment.
Because I am story teller it would be best if you tell me your story. It can be either how successful or unsuccessful you’re experience was.
With these stories plus some of mine I hope to paint a picture that can help others deal with major transition in their lives.
As typical of me this is not going to be a clinical book on transition, but rather a common sense way you and others can deal with this fast changing world.
You can E-mail me your thoughts to david@happinessineightsteps.com or go to my web site www.happinessineightsteps.com and put your message in CONTACT.
At this time I have some ideas on dealing with transition, but I am sure with your help we can put together some very solid ideas to help all of us.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Happiness with Wealth to you
http://www.happineswithwealth.com And:
http://www.lindemannletters.comPodcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem
Monday, June 8, 2009
Being around people you love
Do you remember when you were little and your mom or dad picked you up and gave you very special hug and said “I love you”. I can remember it made me feel so safe.
Then there was that special feeling when you fell in love with that special someone. I thought I was walking on water. My whole insides would just worm up when I was around Micki. You know something I feel like that when I am with her today.
Do you remember looking in the crib at your child sleeping so peacefully? It was hard for me to believe that little one was ours. Even today when I am around one of the boys, yes we had two boys not that I am proud, and they were and still are very great guys.
Now we have grand children. They grow up so fast and we don’t get to see them enough, but when we do it always raises my spirits.
Being around people you love is important part of making life worth all the ups and downs we all go throw.
Next week we are going to Texas to visit Todd, our son, and his three daughters, Dara , Mia and Sawyer. There at the age that they will be telling us what they want to do and Micki and I can’t wait to be with them and take them where ever they want to go.
It can’t get any better than being around people you love especially when you’re with your grand children.
Being around people you love does so many wonderful things for us, so go out and do it.
Happiness with Wealth to you
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Happiness in eight steps in Florida
The question is, are there only eight steps to happiness and the answer is could be, but happiness in eight steps in Florida is easy place to be happy.
Yes we all have different ideas what happiness is and that is as it should be. However, if you look at happiness as being a state of mind then you are on the right path.
One of the biggest things to be happy is helping other be happy. Oh, you can’t make them happy, but you can create an environment that will make it easier for them to be happy.
In ‘Happiness in Eight Steps” I spend some time on smiling. Yes just a heart felt smile can do a lot help someone be happy.
You can have happiness in eight steps in Michigan, or California. The process is the same. Here is the secret of being happy, wanting to be happy.
This doesn’t seem hard, but for some people it is, so I keep tell people if you want to be happy you have to want to be happy. That is my mantra “To be happy you have to want to be happy”.
It is like an old commercial ‘Try it you’ll like it”. The more you try it the better it gets. You will also find out that more people will want to be around you because your fun.
Having fun is all part of being happy. Do you like to be around people that like to have fun? I know I do.
Try happiness in eight steps in Florida what you have to lose. If you laugh a lot you might lose a few pounds and what is wrong with that.
Say thank you, smile, give of yourself, do healthy things, stay in shape, be around people you love, make people happy, laugh (laugh a lot) and live a balanced life.
This doesn’t sound so hard so try it. So maybe happiness in eight steps in Florida isn’t such a bad idea.
Happiness with Wealth to you
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Happiness with wealth in Ft. Lauderdale
OK, OK. So you don’t have to be in Ft. Lauderdale, Fl to have happiness with wealth, but for me it has worked for over thirty nine years.
I don’t like cold as I talked about in my book“Happiness in Eight Steps” so living in Ft. Lauderdale works very well for me. Some time ago I wrote a blog on it being in the low 50’s and how I didn’t like.
Guess what so guy form Illinois wrote back to tell me that the other morning it was minus 5 degrees and he went running. Well the end of the story for me.
Now just because I love living in Ft. Lauderdale doesn’t mean I want you to come rushing down here to live. No stay where you are. There are already too many people living here.
I must say it is a good place to vacation in the winter. You can enjoy happiness with wealth in Ft. Lauderdale and then go home. Your happy for a while and am happy because you have visited our wonderful town.
Now mind you I am not in the Hotel or restaurant business, so if you don’t come to Ft. Lauderdale to visit it won’t impact me one way or another.
Happiness with wealth in Ft. Lauderdale is something special. You can live like the rich and famous for a couple of week and then go home to your family and friends.
If you’re coming to Ft. Lauderdale go www.happinesswithwealth.com and drop me note with your e-mail address and I’ll give some names of local restaurants and some special places to go.
Believe it or not the only Indians with have today own the gambling casinos and they are pretty nice. There is one thing I do have to warn you about and that is getting sun burn. Even if you are only going out for a little while put on some GOOD sunscreen.
That is happiness with wealth in Ft. Lauderdale tell the next time.
Happiness with Wealth to you
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem
Friday, June 5, 2009
Happiness with Micki
As the author of “Happiness in Eight Steps” I basically am a happy guy, so happiness with Micki just made is so much more fun.
Fun is what Micki and I do. We started dating in May and got married April 11 of the following year. When you have two dominate talkers it doesn’t take long to make a decision.
Making quick decision must be OK because we have been married a long time. How long have we been married, long enough to have two grown sons and five grand children, that’s how long.
Happiness with Micki is easy because she has a great sense of humor and a heart as big as all out doors. That doesn’t mean that you can run over her. She will stand her ground on issues that important to her. I have learned that over the years.
I think I have given you same of the reasons that Micki and I have been married a long time, but there is more. She does not want to get into my business and I don’t get involved in hers. That mean we give each other a lot of space.
My friends will ask me what is Micki doing today and my standard answer is I don’t know. If they press me I’ll say she’s playing golf or doing something else. For sure when our cleaning people come I know she is not at our house.
That brings up an old story. Jan, Mick’s best friend’s mother advised both of them, that when the cleaning person comes, you notice I didn’t say cleaning lady, to stay home and help them clean because they will get so much more done.
That idea fell on death ears with Micki and Jan because as soon as the people come to clean they are out of there. Micki told me told me they clean what she wants cleaned and that’s good enough for her.
Now you can see how happiness with Micki is so easy. I let her do her thing and she lets me do mine. Oh that is not to say we don’t do a lot of things together we do.
We spent four weeks going around the world and it wasn’t till we got to India that we knew anyone. So we can spend a lot of time together without too much tension.
If you have a sense of humor and learn to let things happen without having control of the situation you will find out that happiness with Micki is real easy.
Happiness with Wealth to you
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem
Thursday, June 4, 2009
In these difficult times
Everyone has had some difficulty with the present economic conditions. So what do we do? Do we hide in the corner and hope things change for the better? I don’t think so.
The best way to deal with a problem is to confront it. I didn’t say this would be easy, but it is necessary. When we confront our problems we can see clearer what they are and ways to deal with them.
To deal with a problem you have to be brutally honest with yourself. You might find out that your problem can be a blessing. For example maybe for years you have been doing something you really didn’t like, but you continued to do it, even though you it was not satisfying.
If that is the case you need to know what you really want to do and take the steps to get there. It might me you have to go back to school and gain some additional education.
You might tell me you don’t have the money to get the schooling or training. You might not but there are institutions that do. Try you state employment agency, your local vocational school, your local community college and that’s just for starters.
Some of these institutions can help you with what is the best possible carrier you should be in.
Don’t I mean don’t set around and feel sorry for yourself. Get off you bottom side and take action. It is amazing when you take a proactive approach to an issue many very positive things start to happen.
The reason is you are making things start to happen. For some reason people see you has a person that is on the move. With an attitude like that things for the good will start to happen.
By the way it doesn’t hurt to smile and say thank you. There is research that shows that happy people become successful. Go for it.
Happiness with Wealth to you
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Thank you means a lot.
In my book “Happiness in Eight Steps” I talk about the importance of thank you. Now I have a story that makes thank you something special. Last night I was helping Broward College Foundation work on a program to say thank you to those that have been donors to the College.
With economic conditions as they are today we are all getting bombarded with calls from so many worthy causes and the reason is they need money. My questions are who doesn’t. Anyway how do you handle these solicitations? I know it is hard for me, but there is just so much you can give.
Here I go again telling a story by building the house instead of showing you the house. So here is the story.
Last night I volunteered to help make calls to past donors to the college. Ok I already said that, but here is what happened. On my first call Jane was so nice to me when I told her that as member of the Broward College Foundation Board, formally Broward Community College, I wanted to thank her for past generosity.
That is all I said then she said” you are quite welcome and I thank you for the call’. That was the way I left it and she was happy for the phone call.
I think she felt relieved that I didn’t try to get do something like can you spare a few bucks for the college.
The next call almost went the same way. Joan was very appreciative of the thank you and then told me how concerned she was of the young people for their chances of having a fruitful life. I let her know that they will do quite will. She thanked me for the comments and we both said good bye.
My personal opinion is those I called will continue to support the college financially and the main reason is they want to. The thank you with no pressure I think helped to.
Happiness with Wealth to you
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem
Monday, June 1, 2009
We all come from some kind of family. Recently I met a young man who has spent most of his childhood in foster care. You know something he was one of the nicest young men I have ever met. I just knew by talking to him he is going to be a very successful person.
Me I lived all my life in a normal family. If anyone knows what normal is please let me know. Anyways my Mom and Dad made sure my sister and I were well taken care of. We got everything we needed and then some, but most important we got love.
Both my Mom and Dad came from large families so I had plenty of cousins to play with when there was a family event. Sometimes my cousins and I played too hard and drove our parent’s nuts, but they survived.
Then Micki and I got married and started our own family. Two boys, Skip and Todd, and I must say the where not difficult children. If you ask them now I am sure they would have many stories about their child hood that Micki and I had never heard of and that is as it should be.
Here is what I want to tell you, last night we took Skip, Deb, Jake 9 and Zoey 3 out to dinner to celebrate Skip and Deb’s wedding anniversary. Having the evening together was real special for Micki and me. It brought back so many memories watching the grand kids challenge Skip and Deb. I must say they handled the kid’s just fine.
In two week we get to see our Dallas family. Todd’s and his three girls, they are older than Jake and Zoey, so I am sure they will teach us a thing or two.
If I have given you one idea to enrich your life it is by taking time to be with your family. You don’t have to run their lives, but rather enjoy them for what they are.
We only go around once in this life so make the best of it and spend time with you family.
Happiness with Wealth to you
And: http://www.lindemannletters.com
Podcast: http://tinyurl.com/cqbdem
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