Thursday, December 18, 2008

There are some things that are good about getting older.

There are some great things about getting older, you can drive a car, will that was forty years ago. You get experience in many different things in life. So if you learn from each experience you can grow as a person, and you can enjoy the wonderful things of being alive.

As we grow older something’s change. For example when you going on a long trip in your car and you stop for a break, you just don’t bound out of the car you slowly slide out and gingerly start to move. After a few moments things start to work as they should, well let’s just say you’re moving. Your hearing starts to decrease and you can’t see without the help of glasses. But for those that won’t except wearing glass or contacts have to have someone read the menu for them. I bring this up because an I had some friends who would not wear their glass and always complained the print was too small.

We have come all this way to have all this happen to us. But there is good news. When you get old enough you not only get social security but Medicare. What that’s mean you don’t have to pay any more hospital bill and if you get a supplemental program, you pay a monthly fee pulse $135 a year and that’s it. Isn’t that great. That’s what the salesman told us.

My feeling about getting older, it is like a fine wines it, gets better with age. If you take the time to stop and smell the roses, life well is a great journey.

Happiness with Wealth


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