Did you ever go to a meeting thinking good thinks could come from the meeting, but in most cases they don’t? That is normal. If your’ in sales, you might have to make 50 calls before you get an order.
Will today I went to this meeting of business people that were motivated to get some things going. Everyone want to see how they could help each other. What I great feeling.
When I left the room I had several serious conversations with people that want me to help them. I didn’t have to do anything but answer their question and give them some follow up.
The minute I got to my office I followed with each person. It didn’t take long I started to get responses. Not bad for a couple hours of meeting people.
The unexpected thing is that I only knew just few people at the meeting. When you have people that want to help others is amazing what energy starts to build.
After everyone had their say, people started saying how happy they were with some ones service that was at the meeting. You couldn’t pay for that type of positive endorsement.
You bet I’ll be at the next luncheon and you know what I am going to see how many at the luncheon that I can help.
The old saying is giving and receiving it a cycle so it important that keep the cycle going. I am going to do I can not only to those that are part of this group, but any and everyone
I will not expect anything but it interesting how many times the unexpected happens.
Happiness with health and wealth to you
http:// www.happinesswithwealth.com
E-mail www.dhalind@gmail.com
David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people
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