Saturday, January 10, 2009

To Sell yourself or not

Let’s start out with what we like in others. Do you like someone who keeps telling you how great they are? Or if you read something they have written and all you see is I did this and I did that. Did that turn you on or off? I don’t think I am very different from most people and those things turn me off. Maybe they think by dazzling you with how good they are well turn you on.

Dazzling might impress you and I if the person was doing a high wire act with no net, but on a one on one and the person can only tell you how great they are doesn’t dazzle me or most other people.

So if that is the case how do you sell others or better yet how do you let them know that you have talents that can help them. First things is don’t do the above. It is best to first listen to people and find out their needs. I t is amazing how people will tell what they need. Now you have a starting point on helping people. The operative word is helping people. If you start by telling them what they need or what their problem is, you have all ready lost the other person in most cases.

When you can help the other person and they know they need help now it is time to start with your possible solutions to their problems. This cannot be a one way conversation; you have to make sure they can add their ideas. In the end you have the best results when the other person knows they have been part of finding the solution to their issue.

It sounds easy and it is and it is if you listen and involve the others person helping solve their problem.



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