Saturday, January 3, 2009

Steps to Wealth

So you want to be wealthy and there is nothing wrong with that. One of the first steps to wealth I my opinion is to be happy. Why would I say that? You just have to look at those that have wealth. You don’t see them working all time and those the work all the time in later years have said they missed so much in life.

So I don’t recommend that you spend all your time trying to be wealthy so when you old and have few friend you say “I wish I learned to be happy and enjoy life more”.
I have given you tips on being happiness in my book “Happiness in Eight Steps”. Here is one so easy you don’t even have to study to learn how to do it. Here it is so listen up.

All you have to do is want to be happy. Now that doesn’t seem too hard. Just wanting to be happy can make you happy. Think about happy things that you have done and want to do again. Think of all the wonderful things in nature, rivers, mountains, the Great Plains and all of the other natural beauty that abounds in this fantastic world we live in.

If you do this on regular bases you will be happy. Then follow my eight steps and you not only make you self happy but you will be making others happy.

Why does this help you to wealth? To be wealthy you will need the help of others and when you’re happy people want to be around you. Now you have to find, if you haven’t already, what you really good at and then turn the thing that you good at into what you like to do. With your many friends you can now search for thoughts that can help you. Remember as you gain in wealth you have to make sure thorough that have helped you are also gaining in wealth.

Happiness with Wealth to you



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