Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It is all right to be different

It is all right to be different

You are different form me, actually you are different form everyone else in the world that has ever been. Now that’s different. So don’t you think it is important to be able to live with different people? Not to put works in your mouth, but yes it is. We been doing this most of our lives so why worry? The question to you, have you been doing a good job getting along with others? Most would say sure I get along with most people and they would be right. But are they getting the most out of the relationships with others. I am not suggesting that you use people, but rather work with others and they work with you to achieve common goals.

I am not going to get into personal missions, goals and objectives, we’ll leave that for another time, but I would like to have you think about how and why improved relationships with others if important to all. One it saves energy. What I mean by that it we can greatly reduces conflict that is unnecessary. Without this unwanted conflict you and other can use the energy to make things better for ourselves and others.

When we can first understand ourselves it is a big step forward in improving relationships. Some people just know themselves. They know their strengths and their weakness, other don’t and that can be a problem.
Let make it simple, when we are not in conflict with others there is more time to do things that can be of benefit to ourselves and the world. That may sound like a very grand statement, but it is a fact.

Though we’ll never totally reduce conflict, but wouldn’t it be a much better place if we did. Part of reducing conflict is knowing that we are different from others and learning to appreciate them.

Happiness to you.

Vist: http://.happinessin8steps.com

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