Having a happy marriage is not as hard as some people make it out to be. You don’t have to spend a lot of time looking for partner and we talked about that. Knowing your self is important and knowing and understanding others particularly you partner is also important. So what else can help in having a happy marriage? How about a since of humor? Yes a since of humor can certainly smooth out some of the rough spots in a relationships.
In my book “ Happiness in Eight Steps” I go over how important laughing is. So if you have a since of humor you going to have to laugh. It does so much for you and the also releases tension, both for you and your partner. Here is a story about Micki and I when we were first married.
We were in our first house all 1150 square feet of it. Oh it did have a basement to. Being this was our castle we wanted to make it look like one. The entrance way was small with at lot of corners, so when we went to wallpaper it we got a real challenge. First off we never wallpapered before. Second this wallpaper we picked out had a pattern, so you had to match it when hanging it.
It is important to know that this was very inexpensive wall paper and paper it was. You would have to laugh at how we set up to start papering. I got two folding chairs and a small sheet of plywood and the top of the back of the chairs. It worked but you had to be careful not to knock the plywood off the chairs. Then there was making of the paste. We started with a five gallon bucket and a brush we had from an earlier painting job. My job was to measure and cut the wool paper and Micki’s was to put on the paste. Micki is perfectionist so putting on the past took longer than it would have taken most people because she would not have even the smallest lump of paste on the back of the paper.
Ok we hung the first piece of wallpaper. We both had to step back and look at our master piece in the making. Now came the corner. Micki did her usual great job on the pasting and I started to hang the paper. Then it happened the pattern did not match. I could not hold myself back. I said some not so good things about my helper for cutting the paper on the wrong spot of the pattern. Then the light went on I realized I was holding about fifty cents worth of wallpaper and I was just about ruin a marriage for fifty cents.
Will here is where humor really helps. After I cooled down Micki looked at me and in a very soft a warm voice said “You can’t get good help anymore”. With those few word all my tension was gone. I think we had a beer and went back to putting up the paper. By the way to save the fifty cents of wallpaper I hung it upside down and being in the corner and with such a small pattern know one ever notice.
Have a happy marriage and have a since of humor.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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