We all want success in one way or another. And that is good. Success is seen in the eyes of the beholder. Meaning we have different measures of success.
Some people want fame other want a fortune. Let’s take a look at that those that want fame. First fame can come in many ways. You could be rock star with millions of adoring younger folk clawing at you. That doesn’t seem to appealing to me, but everyone to their own. Maybe deep down I am jealous of rock stars. Sorry about that. Fame can come from being a great actor or actress. Just think of going to all the grand openings of your movies or if you are a broad way performer the joy of the multiple curtain call. Fame can come to authors. Just think you get to go on the talk show circuit for months at a time. On some days you might do two or three talk shows. But just think of all many books you are selling by being on these talk shows.
As you can see fame can have some draw backs. You can lose a lot of you own personal time. Time lose with your loved ones and friends. I guess that’s the price of fame.
Success can come with money. Look at Donald Trump. He seems to be everywhere and despite thee resent bad times he is like the Eveready Bunny contently moving. You can have great financial success without fame. I would talk about them but you can’t find their name anywhere, but we all know they’re there. Just drive through the well to do areas in any community and see all the beautiful large homes. You can’t live in homes like that without a lot of money.
Success can come by just knowing that you are doing the right thing. What is the right thinks. How about living by your personal values, having real friends that you would do anything for and they would do the same for you. If you did just those two things, I and most of the rest of the world would consider you a very successful person.
To you success.
Happiness with Wealth to you
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