Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Trust is critical
Whatever we do, to be successful there has to be trust. You don’t learn to trust you just have it in your heart. There is one thing about trust t you have to earn it.
One way to earn trust is be trustworthy. That might sound kind of dump, but let’s take look at what trustworthy means. You do what you say. When others can bank on your word you are known as a trustworthy person. That alone can be your strength that has people wanting to be on you team.
Are you perfect, I am not, so where I have flaws I let it be known that I am not perfect and ask for help to overcome my short comings? People will have a lot more confidence in you by you brings you short comings to their attention. With others having that knowledge you can be assured of their support.
There is nothing wrong with leading with your heart. Others feel better when they know you care about their well-being and that helps build a bond you with them. Don’t be afraid to exhibit good will and patience. It will further cement you relationship with people.
Support those that are around you. Let others know that they can depend on you. That helps builds confidence and faith in you.
Don’t just act interested in others be interested. People know if your’ truly sincere and if you are not really interested you have just turned them off. Develop a passion for wanting to know things about others that you regularly interact with. That will help you and them achieve the best results.
What is wrong with saying “Thank You”? Not one thing and people love to hear thank you and to give it more power let them know why your’ thanking them.
Example: Joe thank you for supporting the baseballs team party you helped it to be a great success. Now that wasn’t hard was it? Thank you is such an impacting word, so don’t use it sparingly.
When others trust you, you will achieve more that you can ever imagine.
Happiness with health and wealth to you
http:// www.happinesswithwealth.com
E-mail www.dhalind@gmail.com
Procrastination Can Be Very Stressful
Procrastination for example; since my mother loved music and liked playing the piano even more, mom said I needed to take piano lessons. I like music and even liked the piano, but I didn't like to practice. As a kid I had to play and that is what I did all week. Then the day of my music lesson I would be terrified, because I had not practiced, my teacher would be upset with me. I must say she sure had a lot of patience with me, because a week after a week I wasn't performing well at all, but she kept coming.
Do you want pressure? This was pressure. My teacher always had a piano recital and to top it off I had to memorize the music. The big night came and I was the third person to play. I peeked through the currents and saw it was very dark and the only light was on the stage. Ms. whatever her name was gave me instruction on how to approach to the piano. I thought she told me to walk around the piano, so and that is what I did. To this day I am sure that is what he said. I went walking on stage and going all the way around the piano. My mother about died.
I got to the piano stool and sat down. Looking at the key board my mind went blank. Since I didn't practice much I really didn't know the song I was to play all the way through. For some reason I knew the first part pretty good but not the last part I didn't know at all, so I did what any American boy would do. I kept playing the first part of the song over and over. When I felt it was time to stop I did and got up and bowed, because that is what Ms. what's her name told me to do.
It was over for another year and I was very relieved. Yes, my mother had me continue taking lessons and old what is her name kept coming to our house for my weekly lesson. Of all the things I have done in life, piano lessons were the most pressure I have ever experienced.
I could give other horror stories, but they would be too painful for me. Just say don't procrastinate all the pain I put myself through would have been relieved with just a little practice. You know what they say Practice makes perfect
Happiness with health and wealth to you
http:// www.happinesswithwealth.com
E-mail www.dhalind@gmail.com
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Procrastination Can Be Very Stressful
My mother loved music and liked playing the piano even more, mom said I needed to take piano lessons. I like music and even liked the piano but I didn't like to practice. You know a kid has to play and that is what I did all week. Then the day of my music lesson I would be terrified because I had not practiced my lesson and I knew my teacher would be upset with me. I must say she sure had a lot of patience, because week after week I wasn't performing well at all, but she kept coming.
Do you want pressure? This was pressure. My teacher always had a piano recital and to top it off you had to memorize the music you were to play. Well the big night came and I was the third person to play. I peeked out through the currents and saw that it very dark and the only light was on the stage. Ms. whatever her name was giving me instruction on how to go to the piano. I thought she told me to walk around the piano and that is what I did. To this day I am sure that is what he said. Well, there I went walking on stage and going all the way around the piano. My mother about died.
I got to the piano stool and sat down. Looking at the key board my mind went blank. Since I didn't practice much I really didn't know the song I was to play all the way through. For some reason I knew the first part pretty good but the last part I didn't know at all, so I did what any American boy would do. I kept playing the first part of the song over and over. When I felt it was time to stop I did and got up and bowed, because that is what Ms. what is her name told me to do.
It was over for another year and I was very relieved. Yes my mother had me continue taking lessons and old what is her name was kept coming to our house for my weekly lesson. Of all the things I have done in life, piano lessons were the most pressure I have ever experienced.
I could give other horror stories but they would be too painful for me. Just say don't procrastinate all the pain I put myself through would have been relieved with just a little practice. You know what they say Practice makes perfect
Happiness with health and wealth to you
http:// www.happinesswithwealth.com
E-mail www.dhalind@gmail.com
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Staying on top of things
One wonders why some people keep moving ahead, one reason is they say on top of things. They don’t let things keep piling up they have the discipline to get things done when they need to done.
I am not saying you have that problem of letting things get piled up, but it is easy to do. Once you get behind it gets harder to get caught up, so stay on top of things and you life will be less stressful.
Besides being less stressful you will find that you actually get more things done. he reason is you setting priorities and by doing that you find some of the things that you might have been dreading to do, become not as dreadful as you thought. And by getting the things done you were dreading you have more time to tackle other projects.
When we put things off we actually are burning more energy worrying about getting it done than if we actually do putting it off. That might be an encouragement to all of us to attack the things that need to be done first and take the pressure off our self.
Stay on top of things has another benefit. It lets others know that you are dependable person. That also lets them know that they can count on you.
The word get around that you stay on top of things, which means you get things done and done on time.
With this type of reputation you will be known as a winner. People like to be around winners and if you check, you will find they are winners.
You can lose when you’re a winner and those that are around you are winners. This combination helps all reach their goals.
Stay on top of things, be winners.
Happiness with health and wealth to you
http:// www.happinesswithwealth.com
E-mail www.dhalind@gmail.com
Monday, September 13, 2010
Success doesn’t have a magic formula
If your’ looking at the perfect way to have success, it is not there. Every one of us has to find our own way. I am not saying there are certain things that you have to do to achieve success in your life, but there are things if you do will help.
One is to learn what you do best and become the very best at that as you can. By being the very best you will stand out. You won’t have to go around telling other how good you are because they’ll see how good you are and want to be around you so they can learn from you.
Listen and listen some more. I have said this millions of time you learn more from listening than you do from talking. This doesn’t mean that you believe everything you hear, but by listening you get to see more sides of issues, then you can make up your mind.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions. As a very smart man once told me, there are no bad questions, but by asking questions, you clarity things so you can have a better understanding. You will also learn things that you might not otherwise have learned.
You build your own success and part of your success has to start with knowing what success means to you. Once you know that you have made a big step forward in the journey of success.
This is not the magic part, but here are some things that might be helpful to you.
Know what you good at and work at getting better at it
Set your success goals and objectives
Create a plan on how your’ going to reach your goals
Have benchmarks that let you know you are on the right track
Review your goals and objective and adjust as needed
Smell the roses along the way
The list could be longer, but if you follow these items you will be on your way to obtaining what you looking for in life. As you can see there is no magic formula, but series of steps that will get you the success you are looking for on your life’s journey.
Happiness with health and wealth to you
http:// www.happinesswithwealth.com
E-mail www.dhalind@gmail.com
Friday, September 10, 2010
Nothing replaces had work
I am not talking about pick and shovel type of work; I am talking about hard work of building you mind. Growing you mind is does take work and the more you grow the mind the more success you can have.
To me learning is rewarding. Being able to apply what I learn is so satisfying. Seeing the results of my labors help to give me the strength to go further.
Putting in the long hours to build a skill, such as using new software, helps me gain the expertise in using the new software. Once learned the software will save me untold hours of time, then I can put those hours to accelerate my quest for learning. The more I know about a subject that I feel is important the more I can use it to achieve my dreams
It can be hard work keeping your body in shape, but it pays many dividends. You will be healthier. You’ll be able to do more strenuous activities. And you will be building your mind. Yes it has been found the better shape you keep you self in the more power you build in your brain.
Friendships are so important. Maintaining and gaining new friends takes work. One you have to understand your friends. All friends are not the same. Some need more time to talk and you listen. Others want to be around you. Still others want to hear your needs, so they can help you.
Like anything in life you get what you put into it. If you put time in building your mind, building your body and building your friendship, you life will be a rich one.
Happiness with health and wealth to you
http:// www.happinesswithwealth.com
E-mail www.dhalind@gmail.com
Monday, September 6, 2010
Building on your success
Look at what you have already succeeded in. That is the first step. Take a personal assessment of your strengths and where you have had success using them.
You should also do and assessment of your weakness. It has long been know that you get more benefit on building on your strength than trying to build on your weaknesses, but it is good to know your weaknesses.
You have to be brutally honest with yourself when assessing you strengths and weaknesses. Once you have completed the assessment, bounce it off a good friend that you trust and have confidence in. If this person is comfortable with you assessment of your strengths and weaknesses you can now move on to build on your strengths to build further success.
You might find that you can build you knowledge base in the areas you can achieve future successes. If you just take 30 minutes a day of study in you chosen area, in 6 months you well know more about your topic for success than 95% of the rest of the world.
Don’t stop learning after six month, but continue to further expand you expertise. Now that you are the expert on this topic, start to let the world know. Create a blog on the topic, twitter about it, create a fan page about on face book and start a letter that helps other stay up to date on you field of expertise.
Ask your friends for assistance and make sure you help them. You will be surprised how many of your fiends want you to succeed.
There are some many for you to let the world know about you and how you can be of help to many. Let you imagination, go then put together a plan on furthering your success
Take your strengths and keep making the next step to your successful journey in life. As Confucius said” you can’t walk a thousand miles without taking the first step.”
Happiness with health and wealth to you
http:// www.happinesswithwealth.com
E-mail www.dhalind@gmail.com
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Boy does time go fast
My grandma told me, when she was in her nineties, as you grow older time goes by faster and faster. I was young and what did I understand. Grandma had more things wrong with her than you can shake a stick at. Even with all her ailments, she told me that every year goes by so fast.
Why do I share that with you, because she was right. I have seen this happening ever sense she told me. There are a lot of reasons for time appearing to keep going by faster.
Here is one example. Micki and I use to go down to the Florida Kay’s most summer weekends. The trip took about two and half yours. When we first started making this trip it seemed to take forever, then as time went on the drive didn’t seem so long.
There is a reason for this and it is getting use to the drive. At first we could see every power poll, every sign, and every light and then as time went on the scenery started to blur and trip didn’t seem very long.
As we travel though our journey of life, many things start looking the same, so our mind passes over time things that we have seen many times, so as we start to get familiar things times seems to shorten.
The point is to takes every advantage of time as you can. Do today what you should do and don’t pass it off to tomorrow. This is because we have only one shut at our journey so we have to take advantage of every bit of time we can.
That brings us to the concept, live in the present. Don’t put of what you can do today. What you do today will help you get to where you want to be tomorrow.
If you want a better tomorrow do as much as you can today. At times it might seem like time is speeding up, but if your’ always challenging you self by doing new thinks, you won’t have the problem of time passing you by.
Slow time down by doing new and more, you’ll get more out of life than you can imagine.
Happiness with health and wealth to you
http:// www.happinesswithwealth.com
E-mail www.dhalind@gmail.com
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