I’ll start out by saying I love my Grandpa Lindemann, but he sure was ornery. If someone told him it was going to nice day he would say that is going to be cold and rainy. He did this all the time.
There was a pile of us grand kids, so when we were at Grandma and Grandpa’s house we were supposed to be on our best behavior. You guessed it we didn’t know what best behavior was, so we acted like we always did.
Grandma Lindemann just let us do whatever we wanted and then would offer us some nice warm cookies. She was a GREAT cook.
Grandpa on the other hand always thought we were too loud. And with no uncertain term would let us know. It would quite us down for a little while and then we would get back to normal.
In the mean time Grandpa took is normal seat that was in the middle of things. My dad and uncles sat around Grandpa. The discussion started, which was normally my Uncle Earl and then Grandpa Lindemann would let Uncle Earl know that he was all wet. Then the fun started, as far as us kids were concerned
Uncle Norm was the youngest brother, but somehow was on the wrong side of Grandpa Lindemann ideas. My Uncle George would sometimes pipe in, but only to say he agreed. I was never sure who he agreed with, but at least he got his two cents in.
My Dad, who was called Bud by everyone, would just sit there and let them have their heated discussion. You see at that time I didn’t know what arguing was.
Grandpa Lindemann was very consistent. He disagreed with everyone. It didn’t seem to matter who the person was he wasn’t going to agree with them.
Not agreeing with people I would consider being grumpy, so I put Grandpa Lindemann in the grumpy category. That being said he was a very successful and will like guy. Success Ok, but will liked I have to say there was something I couldn’t see or understand at my early age. All I know is that he was my Grandpa and I loved him.
Happiness with wealth to you
E-mail www.dhalind@gmail.com
David is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people
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