Thursday, October 28, 2010

Make more out of life; see the glass as half full.

It all depends who you talk to. There are those that tell you the world is going bad and others are seeing opportunities that going to make them rich. Why such a different?

There are some people that always see the glass half empty. They are out to find the worst and they just find it most of the time. That is too bad because they might have found many things that could have their life better.

I’ll admit it I see the glass as half full. Do bad things happen to me, you bet. But, in the whole scheme of things I am doing quite well. There is an old saying “you get what you ask for” and if there is any truth to it, then doesn’t ask for bad things.

Here are some tips to see the brighter side of the world so when you get up in the morning think of all the good things that happened to you the previous day. This helps you get that boost to make the day a good one.

Don’t be around people that are happy when you not happy and don’t spend time worrying about what they tell you is wrong with you or your situation. I’ll say this again don’t be around these types of people.

Be around people that laugh, smile, say thank you and want to help others. When you’re around these folk your life is always in the sun light. Even if there is some rain in your life, remember rain is what makes the flowers grow.

Certain things you can’t pick, but is for sure you can pick your friends. Pick your friends wisely and then nurture their friendship. Sometimes you might not want to do something, but because they want to, do it. This will not happen often, but you will build even a stronger relationship with you friend if you do. You know something; you might even end up enjoying what you did with your friend.

Many times we over complicate the simplest things, so take my advice and don’t do that. Look at everyday as gift and enjoy them and while your’ doing that give a smile and a thank you to your fellow human being.

Things that go around come around, so keep a smile on your face and in your heart,
many wonderful things will happen to you.

Happiness with health and wealth to you


David H. Lindemann is an author, speaker, consultant and coach, he is a community leader, educator and has worked with fortune 500 hundred companies as well as individuals. He also has been a CEO of a national manufacturing company and cares deeply about people